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Shield Concepts

This document covers some of the base concepts used throughout the library.

Repository State

Shield is designed so that the initial setup of your application can all happen in code with nothing required to be saved in the database. This means you do not have to create large seeder files that need to run within each environment.

Instead, it can be placed under version control, though the Settings library allows those settings to be easily stored in the database if you create an interface for the user to update those settings.


In place of the CodeIgniter config() helper, Shield uses the official Settings library. This provides a way to save any Config class values to the database if you want to modify them, but falls back on the standard Config class if nothing is found in the database.

User Providers

Shield has a model to handle user persistence. Shield calls this the "User Provider" class. A default model is provided for you by the CodeIgniter\Shield\Models\UserModel class.

You can use your own model to customize user attributes. See Customizing User Provider for details.

User Identities

User accounts are stored separately from the information needed to identify that user. These identifying pieces of data are called User Identities. By default, the library has two types of identities: one for standard email/password information, and one for access tokens.

Keeping these identities loosely coupled from the user account itself facilitates integrations with third-party sign-in systems, JWT systems, and more - all on a single user.

While this has the potential to make the system more complex, the email and password fields are automatically looked up for you when attempting to access them from the User entity. Caution should be used to craft queries that will pull in the email field when you need to display it to the user, as you could easily run into some n+1 slow queries otherwise.

When you save($user) a User instance in the UserModel, the email/password identity will automatically be updated. If no email/password identity exists, you must pass both the email and the password to the User instance prior to calling save().

Password Validators

When registering a user account, the user's password must be validated to ensure it matches the security requirements of your application. Shield uses a pipeline of Validators to handle the validation. This allows you turn on or off any validation systems that are appropriate for your application. The following Validators are available:

  • CompositionValidator validates the makeup of the password itself. This used to include things like ensuring it contained a symbol, a number, etc. According to the current NIST recommendations this only enforces a minimum length on the password. You can define the minimum length in Config\Auth::$minimumPasswordLength This is enabled by default. The default minimum value is 8.
  • NothingPersonalValidator will compare the password against any fields that have been specified in Config\Auth::$personalFields, like first or last names, etc. Additionally, it compares it against a few simple variations of the username. If the given password too closely matches any of the personal information, it will be rejected. The similarity value is defined in Config\Auth::$maxSimilarity. The default value is 50, but see the docblock in the config file for more details. This is enabled by default.
  • DictionaryValidator will compare the password against a provided file with about 600,000 frequently used passwords that have been seen in various data dumps over the years. If the chosen password matches any found in the file, it will be rejected. This is enabled by default.
  • PwnedValidator is like the DictionaryValidator. Instead of comparing to a local file, it uses a third-party site, Have I Been Pwned to check against a list of over 630 million leaked passwords from many data dumps across the web. The search is done securely, and provides more information than the simple dictionary version. However, this does require an API call to a third-party which not every application will find acceptable. You should use either this validator or the DictionaryValidator, not both. This is disabled by default.

You can choose which validators are used in Config\Auth::$passwordValidators:

public array $passwordValidators = [
    // PwnedValidator::class,

You use strong_password rule for password validation explained above.


The strong_password rule only supports use cases to check the user's own password. It fetches the authenticated user's data for NothingPersonalValidator if the visitor is authenticated. If you want to have use cases that set and check another user's password, you can't use strong_password. You need to use service('passwords') directly to check the password. But remember, it is not good practice to set passwords for other users. This is because the password should be known only by that user.