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Customizing Routes

Change Some Routes

If you need to customize how any of the auth features are handled, you will likely need to update the routes to point to the correct controllers.

You can still use the service('auth')->routes() helper, but you will need to pass the except option with a list of routes to customize:

service('auth')->routes($routes, ['except' => ['login', 'register']]);

Then add the routes to your customized controllers:

$routes->get('login', '\App\Controllers\Auth\LoginController::loginView');
$routes->get('register', '\App\Controllers\Auth\RegisterController::registerView');

After customization, check your routes with the spark routes command.

Change Namespace

If you are overriding all of the auth controllers, you can specify the namespace as an option to the routes() helper:

service('auth')->routes($routes, ['namespace' => '\App\Controllers\Auth']);

This will generate the routes with the specified namespace instead of the default Shield namespace. This can be combined with any other options, like except.

Use Locale Routes

You can use the {locale} placeholder in your routes (see Locale Detection).

$routes->group('{locale}', static function($routes) {

The above code registers the following routes:

| Method | Route                            | Name               | Handler                                                            | Before Filters | After Filters |
| GET    | {locale}/register                | register           | \CodeIgniter\Shield\Controllers\RegisterController::registerView   |                | toolbar       |
| GET    | {locale}/login                   | login              | \CodeIgniter\Shield\Controllers\LoginController::loginView         |                | toolbar       |
| GET    | {locale}/login/magic-link        | magic-link         | \CodeIgniter\Shield\Controllers\MagicLinkController::loginView     |                | toolbar       |
| GET    | {locale}/login/verify-magic-link | verify-magic-link  | \CodeIgniter\Shield\Controllers\MagicLinkController::verify        |                | toolbar       |
| GET    | {locale}/logout                  | logout             | \CodeIgniter\Shield\Controllers\LoginController::logoutAction      |                | toolbar       |
| GET    | {locale}/auth/a/show             | auth-action-show   | \CodeIgniter\Shield\Controllers\ActionController::show             |                | toolbar       |
| POST   | {locale}/register                | register           | \CodeIgniter\Shield\Controllers\RegisterController::registerAction |                | toolbar       |
| POST   | {locale}/login                   | »                  | \CodeIgniter\Shield\Controllers\LoginController::loginAction       |                | toolbar       |
| POST   | {locale}/login/magic-link        | »                  | \CodeIgniter\Shield\Controllers\MagicLinkController::loginAction   |                | toolbar       |
| POST   | {locale}/auth/a/handle           | auth-action-handle | \CodeIgniter\Shield\Controllers\ActionController::handle           |                | toolbar       |
| POST   | {locale}/auth/a/verify           | auth-action-verify | \CodeIgniter\Shield\Controllers\ActionController::verify           |                | toolbar       |

If you set the global filter in the app/Config/Filters.php file, you need to update the paths for except:

public $globals = [
    'before' => [
        // ...
        'session' => ['except' => ['*/login*', '*/register', '*/auth/a/*', '*/logout']],
    // ...