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Customizing Redirect URLs

Customize Login Redirect

You can customize where a user is redirected to on login with the loginRedirect() method of the app/Config/Auth.php config file. This is handy if you want to redirect based on user group or other criteria.

public function loginRedirect(): string
    $url = auth()->user()->inGroup('admin')
        ? '/admin'
        : setting('Auth.redirects')['login'];

    return $this->getUrl($url);

Oftentimes, you will want to have different redirects for different user groups. A simple example might be that you want admins redirected to /admin while all other groups redirect to /. The app/Config/Auth.php config file also includes methods that you can add additional logic to in order to achieve this:

public function loginRedirect(): string
    if (auth()->user()->can('admin.access')) {
        return '/admin';

    $url = setting('Auth.redirects')['login'];

    return $this->getUrl($url);

Customize Register Redirect

You can customize where a user is redirected to after registration in the registerRedirect() method of the app/Config/Auth.php config file.

public function registerRedirect(): string
    $url = setting('Auth.redirects')['register'];

    return $this->getUrl($url);

Customize Logout Redirect

The logout redirect can also be overridden by the logoutRedirect() method of the app/Config/Auth.php config file. This will not be used as often as login and register, but you might find the need. For example, if you programatically logged a user out you might want to take them to a page that specifies why they were logged out. Otherwise, you might take them to the home page or even the login page.

public function logoutRedirect(): string
    $url = setting('Auth.redirects')['logout'];

    return $this->getUrl($url);