
The Security Class contains methods that help protect your site against Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks.

Loading the Library

If your only interest in loading the library is to handle CSRF protection, then you will never need to load it, as it runs as a filter and has no manual interaction.

If you find a case where you do need direct access though, you may load it through the Services file:


$security = service('security');

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)


The CSRF Protection is only available for POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE requests. Requests for other methods are not protected.


When you use the CodeIgniter’s CSRF protection, you still need to code as the following. Otherwise, the CSRF protection may be bypassed.

When Auto-Routing is Disabled

Do one of the following:

  1. Do not use $routes->add(), and use HTTP verbs in routes.

  2. Check the request method in the controller method before processing.


if (! $this->request->is('post')) {
    return $this->response->setStatusCode(405)->setBody('Method Not Allowed');


The $this->request->is() method can be used since v4.3.0. In previous versions, you need to use if (strtolower($this->request->getMethod()) !== 'post').

When Auto-Routing is Enabled

  1. Check the request method in the controller method before processing.


if (! $this->request->is('post')) {
    return $this->response->setStatusCode(405)->setBody('Method Not Allowed');

Config for CSRF

CSRF Protection Methods


If you use Session, be sure to use Session based CSRF protection. Cookie based CSRF protection will not prevent Same-site attacks. See GHSA-5hm8-vh6r-2cjq for details.

By default, the Cookie based CSRF Protection is used. It is Double Submit Cookie on OWASP Cross-Site Request Forgery Prevention Cheat Sheet.

You can also use Session based CSRF Protection. It is Synchronizer Token Pattern.

You can set to use the Session based CSRF protection by editing the following config parameter value in app/Config/Security.php:


namespace Config;

use CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig;

class Security extends BaseConfig
    public $csrfProtection = 'session';

    // ...

Token Randomization

To mitigate compression side-channel attacks like BREACH, and prevent an attacker from guessing the CSRF tokens, you can configure token randomization (off by default).

If you enable it, a random mask is added to the token and used to scramble it.

You can enable it by editing the following config parameter value in app/Config/Security.php:


namespace Config;

use CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig;

class Security extends BaseConfig
    public $tokenRandomize = true;

    // ...

Token Regeneration

Tokens may be either regenerated on every submission (default) or kept the same throughout the life of the Session or CSRF cookie.

The default regeneration of tokens provides stricter security, but may result in usability concerns as other tokens become invalid (back/forward navigation, multiple tabs/windows, asynchronous actions, etc). You may alter this behavior by editing the following config parameter value in app/Config/Security.php:


namespace Config;

use CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig;

class Security extends BaseConfig
    public $regenerate = true;

    // ...


If you use Cookie based CSRF protection, and redirect() after the submission, you must call withCookie() to send the regenerated CSRF cookie. See Redirect for details.


Since v4.2.3, you can regenerate CSRF token manually with the Security::generateHash() method.

Redirection on Failure

Starting with v4.5.0, when a request fails the CSRF validation check, by default, the user is redirected to the previous page in production environment, or a SecurityException is thrown in other environments.


In production environment, when you use HTML forms, it is recommended to enable this redirection for a better user experience.

Upgrade users should check their configuration files.

If you want to make it redirect to the previous page, set the following config parameter value to true in app/Config/Security.php:


namespace Config;

use CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig;

class Security extends BaseConfig
    // ...

    public bool $redirect = true;

    // ...

When redirected, an error flash message is set and can be displayed to the end user with the following code in your view:

<?= session()->getFlashdata('error') ?>

This provides a nicer experience than simply crashing.

Even when the redirect value is true, AJAX calls will not redirect, but will throw a SecurityException.

Enable CSRF Protection

You can enable CSRF protection by altering your app/Config/Filters.php and enabling the csrf filter globally:


namespace Config;

use CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig;

class Filters extends BaseConfig
    public $globals = [
        'before' => [
            // 'honeypot',

    // ...

Select URIs can be whitelisted from CSRF protection (for example API endpoints expecting externally POSTed content). You can add these URIs by adding them as exceptions in the filter:


namespace Config;

use CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig;

class Filters extends BaseConfig
    public $globals = [
        'before' => [
            'csrf' => ['except' => ['api/record/save']],

    // ...

Regular expressions are also supported (case-insensitive):


namespace Config;

use CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig;

class Filters extends BaseConfig
    public $globals = [
        'before' => [
            'csrf' => ['except' => ['api/record/[0-9]+']],

    // ...

It is also possible to enable the CSRF filter only for specific methods:


namespace Config;

use CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig;

class Filters extends BaseConfig
    public $methods = [
        'GET'  => ['csrf'],
        'POST' => ['csrf'],

    // ...


If you use $methods filters, you should disable Auto Routing (Legacy) because Auto Routing (Legacy) permits any HTTP method to access a controller. Accessing the controller with a method you don’t expect could bypass the filter.

HTML Forms

If you use the form helper, then form_open() will automatically insert a hidden csrf field in your forms.


To use auto-generation of CSRF field, you need to turn CSRF filter on to the form page. In most cases it is requested using the GET method.

If not, then you can use the always available csrf_token() and csrf_hash() functions

<input type="hidden" name="<?= csrf_token() ?>" value="<?= csrf_hash() ?>" />

Additionally, you can use the csrf_field() method to generate this hidden input field for you:

// Generates: <input type="hidden" name="{csrf_token}" value="{csrf_hash}" />
<?= csrf_field() ?>

When sending a JSON request the CSRF token can also be passed as one of the parameters. The next way to pass the CSRF token is a special Http header that’s name is available by csrf_header() function.

Additionally, you can use the csrf_meta() method to generate this handy meta tag for you:

// Generates: <meta name="{csrf_header}" content="{csrf_hash}" />
<?= csrf_meta() ?>

The Order of Token Sent by Users

The order of checking the availability of the CSRF token is as follows:

  1. $_POST array

  2. HTTP header

  3. php://input (JSON request) - bear in mind that this approach is the slowest one since we have to decode JSON and then re-encode it

  4. php://input (raw body) - for PUT, PATCH, and DELETE type of requests


php://input (raw body) is checked since v4.4.2.

Other Helpful Methods

You will never need to use most of the methods in the Security class directly. The following are methods that you might find helpful that are not related to the CSRF protection.


Tries to sanitize filenames in order to prevent directory traversal attempts and other security threats, which is particularly useful for files that were supplied via user input. The first parameter is the path to sanitize.

If it is acceptable for the user input to include relative paths, e.g., file/in/some/approved/folder.txt, you can set the second optional parameter, $relativePath to true.


$path = $security->sanitizeFilename($request->getVar('filepath'));