Table of Contents
- FileLocatorInterface
- Allows loading non-class files in a namespaced manner.
- CacheInterface
- Cache interface
- CloneableCookieInterface
- Interface for a fresh Cookie instance with selected attribute(s) only changed from the original instance.
- CookieInterface
- Interface for a value object representation of an HTTP cookie.
- ConnectionInterface
- ExceptionInterface
- Provides a domain-level interface for broad capture of all database-related exceptions.
- PreparedQueryInterface
- QueryInterface
- Interface QueryInterface
- ResultInterface
- CastInterface
- ExceptionHandlerInterface
- EncrypterInterface
- CodeIgniter Encryption Handler
- CastInterface
- Interface CastInterface
- ExceptionInterface
- Provides a domain-level interface for broad capture of all framework-related exceptions.
- HasExitCodeInterface
- Interface for Exceptions that has exception code as exit code.
- HTTPExceptionInterface
- Interface for Exceptions that has exception code as HTTP status code.
- ExceptionInterface
- Provides a domain-level interface for broad capture of all Files-related exceptions.
- FilterInterface
- Filter interface
- FormatterInterface
- Formatter interface
- ExceptionInterface
- Provides a domain-level interface for broad capture of all HTTP-related exceptions.
- UploadedFileInterface
- Value object representing a single file uploaded through an HTTP request. Used by the IncomingRequest class to provide files.
- MessageInterface
- Expected behavior of an HTTP message
- OutgoingRequestInterface
- Representation of an outgoing, client-side request.
- RequestInterface
- Representation of an incoming, server-side HTTP request.
- ResponsableInterface
- ResponseInterface
- Representation of an outgoing, server-side response.
- ImageHandlerInterface
- Expected behavior of an Image handler
- HandlerInterface
- Expected behavior for a Log handler
- PagerInterface
- Expected behavior for a Pager
- AutoRouterInterface
- Expected behavior of a AutoRouter.
- ExceptionInterface
- Provides a domain-level interface for broad capture of all Router-related exceptions.
- RouteCollectionInterface
- Interface RouteCollectionInterface
- RouterInterface
- Expected behavior of a Router.
- SecurityInterface
- Expected behavior of a Security.
- SessionInterface
- Expected behavior of a session container used with CodeIgniter.
- FabricatorModel
- FabricatorModel
- ThrottlerInterface
- Expected behavior of a Throttler
- ValidationInterface
- Expected behavior of a validator
- RendererInterface
- Interface RendererInterface
- ViewDecoratorInterface
- View Decorators are simple classes that are given the chance to modify the output from the view() calls prior to it being cached.
- Autoloader
- An autoloader that uses both PSR4 autoloading, and traditional classmaps.
- FileLocator
- Allows loading non-class files in a namespaced manner.
- FileLocatorCached
- FileLocator with Cache
- BaseModel
- The BaseModel class provides a number of convenient features that makes working with a databases less painful. Extending this class provide means of implementing various database systems
- Boot
- Bootstrap for the application
- CacheFactory
- A factory for loading the desired
- CacheException
- CacheException
- FileVarExportHandler
- FactoriesCache
- BaseHandler
- Base class for cache handling
- DummyHandler
- Dummy cache handler
- FileHandler
- File system cache handler
- MemcachedHandler
- Mamcached cache handler
- PredisHandler
- Predis cache handler
- RedisHandler
- Redis cache handler
- WincacheHandler
- Cache handler for WinCache from Microsoft & IIS.
- ResponseCache
- Web Page Caching
- BaseCommand
- BaseCommand is the base class used in creating CLI commands.
- Set of static methods useful for CLI request handling.
- Commands
- Core functionality for running, listing, etc commands.
- Console
- Console
- CLIException
- CLIException
- InputOutput
- Input and Output for CLI.
- CodeIgniter
- This class is the core of the framework, and will analyse the request, route it to a controller, and send back the response.
- ClearCache
- Clears current cache.
- InfoCache
- Shows information on the cache.
- CreateDatabase
- Creates a new database.
- Migrate
- Runs all new migrations.
- MigrateRefresh
- Does a rollback followed by a latest to refresh the current state of the database.
- MigrateRollback
- Runs all of the migrations in reverse order, until they have all been unapplied.
- MigrateStatus
- Displays a list of all migrations and whether they've been run or not.
- Seed
- Runs the specified Seeder file to populate the database with some data.
- ShowTableInfo
- Get table data if it exists in the database.
- GenerateKey
- Generates a new encryption key.
- CellGenerator
- Generates a skeleton Cell and its view.
- CommandGenerator
- Generates a skeleton command file.
- ConfigGenerator
- Generates a skeleton config file.
- ControllerGenerator
- Generates a skeleton controller file.
- EntityGenerator
- Generates a skeleton Entity file.
- FilterGenerator
- Generates a skeleton Filter file.
- MigrationGenerator
- Generates a skeleton migration file.
- ModelGenerator
- Generates a skeleton Model file.
- ScaffoldGenerator
- Generates a complete set of scaffold files.
- SeederGenerator
- Generates a skeleton seeder file.
- TestGenerator
- Generates a skeleton command file.
- ValidationGenerator
- Generates a skeleton Validation file.
- Help
- CI Help command for the spark script.
- ClearDebugbar
- ClearDebugbar Command
- ClearLogs
- ClearLogs command.
- ListCommands
- CI Help command for the spark script.
- Serve
- Launch the PHP development server
- LocalizationFinder
- BaseCommand is the base class used in creating CLI commands.
- LocalizationSync
- BaseCommand is the base class used in creating CLI commands.
- ConfigCheck
- Check the Config values.
- Environment
- Command to display the current environment, or set a new one in the `.env` file.
- FilterCheck
- Check filters for a route.
- Namespaces
- Lists namespaces set in Config\Autoload with their full server path. Helps you to verify that you have the namespaces setup correctly.
- Optimize
- Optimize for production.
- PhpIniCheck
- Check php.ini values.
- Publish
- Discovers all Publisher classes from the "Publishers/" directory across namespaces. Executes `publish()` from each instance, parsing each result.
- AutoRouteCollector
- Collects data for auto route listing.
- AutoRouteCollector
- Collects data for Auto Routing Improved.
- ControllerMethodReader
- Reads a controller and returns a list of auto route listing.
- ControllerFinder
- Finds all controllers in a namespace for auto route listing.
- ControllerMethodReader
- Reads a controller and returns a list of auto route listing.
- FilterCollector
- Collects filters for a route.
- FilterFinder
- Finds filters.
- SampleURIGenerator
- Generate a sample URI path from route key regex.
- Routes
- Lists all the routes. This will include any Routes files that can be discovered, and will include routes that are not defined in routes files, but are instead discovered through auto-routing.
- AutoloadConfig
- BaseConfig
- Class BaseConfig
- BaseService
- Services Configuration file.
- DotEnv
- Environment-specific configuration
- Factories
- Factories for creating instances.
- Factory
- Factories Configuration file.
- Filters
- Filters configuration
- ForeignCharacters
- Describes foreign characters for transliteration with the text helper.
- Publisher
- Publisher Configuration
- Routing
- Routing configuration
- Services
- Services Configuration file.
- View
- View configuration
- Controller
- Class Controller
- Cookie
- A `Cookie` class represents an immutable HTTP cookie value object.
- CookieStore
- The CookieStore object represents an immutable collection of `Cookie` value objects.
- CookieException
- CookieException is thrown for invalid cookies initialization and management.
- BaseBuilder
- Class BaseBuilder
- BaseConnection
- BasePreparedQuery
- BaseResult
- BaseUtils
- Class BaseUtils
- Config
- Class Config
- Database
- Database Connection Factory
- DatabaseException
- Exception thrown if an error which can only be found on runtime occurs.
- DataException
- Exception thrown if an error which can only be found on runtime occurs.
- Forge
- The Forge class transforms migrations to executable SQL statements.
- Migration
- Class Migration
- MigrationRunner
- Class MigrationRunner
- Builder
- Builder for MySQLi
- Connection
- Connection for MySQLi
- Forge
- Forge for MySQLi
- PreparedQuery
- Prepared query for MySQLi
- Result
- Result for MySQLi
- Utils
- Utils for MySQLi
- Builder
- Builder for OCI8
- Connection
- Connection for OCI8
- Forge
- Forge for OCI8
- PreparedQuery
- Prepared query for OCI8
- Result
- Result for OCI8
- Utils
- Utils for OCI8
- Builder
- Builder for Postgre
- Connection
- Connection for Postgre
- Forge
- Forge for Postgre
- PreparedQuery
- Prepared query for Postgre
- Result
- Result for Postgre
- Utils
- Utils for Postgre
- Query
- Query builder
- RawSql
- Seeder
- Class Seeder
- Builder
- Builder for SQLite3
- Connection
- Connection for SQLite3
- Forge
- Forge for SQLite3
- PreparedQuery
- Prepared query for SQLite3
- Result
- Result for SQLite3
- Table
- Class Table
- Utils
- Utils for SQLite3
- Builder
- Builder for SQLSRV
- Connection
- Connection for SQLSRV
- Forge
- Forge for SQLSRV
- PreparedQuery
- Prepared query for Postgre
- Result
- Result for SQLSRV
- Utils
- Utils for SQLSRV
- TableName
- Represents a table name in SQL.
- ArrayCast
- Class ArrayCast
- BaseCast
- BooleanCast
- Class BooleanCast
- CSVCast
- Class CSVCast
- DatetimeCast
- Class DatetimeCast
- FloatCast
- Class FloatCast
- IntBoolCast
- Int Bool Cast
- IntegerCast
- Class IntegerCast
- JsonCast
- Class JsonCast
- TimestampCast
- Class TimestampCast
- URICast
- Class URICast
- DataCaster
- CastException
- CastException is thrown for invalid cast initialization and management.
- DataConverter
- PHP data <==> DataSource data converter
- BaseExceptionHandler
- Provides common functions for exception handlers, especially around displaying the output.
- ExceptionHandler
- Provides common functions for exception handlers, especially around displaying the output.
- Exceptions
- Exceptions manager
- Iterator
- Iterator for debugging.
- Timer
- Class Timer
- BaseCollector
- Base Toolbar collector
- Config
- Debug toolbar configuration
- Database
- Collector for the Database tab of the Debug Toolbar.
- Events
- Events collector
- Files
- Files collector
- History
- History collector
- Logs
- Loags collector
- Routes
- Routes collector
- Timers
- Timers collector
- Views
- Views collector
- Toolbar
- Displays a toolbar with bits of stats to aid a developer in debugging.
- CodeIgniter Email Class
- Encryption
- CodeIgniter Encryption Manager
- EncryptionException
- Encryption exception
- BaseHandler
- Base class for encryption handling
- OpenSSLHandler
- Encryption handling for OpenSSL library
- SodiumHandler
- SodiumHandler uses libsodium in encryption.
- ArrayCast
- Class ArrayCast
- BaseCast
- Class BaseCast
- BooleanCast
- Class BooleanCast
- CSVCast
- Class CSVCast
- DatetimeCast
- Class DatetimeCast
- FloatCast
- Class FloatCast
- IntBoolCast
- Int Bool Cast
- IntegerCast
- Class IntegerCast
- JsonCast
- Class JsonCast
- ObjectCast
- Class ObjectCast
- StringCast
- Class StringCast
- TimestampCast
- Class TimestampCast
- URICast
- Class URICast
- Entity
- Entity encapsulation, for use with CodeIgniter\Model
- CastException
- CastException is thrown for invalid cast initialization and management.
- Events
- Events
- BadFunctionCallException
- Exception thrown if a function is called in the wrong way, or the function does not exist.
- BadMethodCallException
- Exception thrown if a method is called in the wrong way, or the method does not exist.
- ConfigException
- Exception thrown if the value of the Config class is invalid or the type is incorrect.
- CriticalError
- Error: Critical conditions, like component unavailable, etc.
- DownloadException
- Class DownloadException
- FrameworkException
- Class FrameworkException
- InvalidArgumentException
- Exception thrown if an argument is not of the expected type.
- LogicException
- Exception that represents error in the program logic.
- ModelException
- Model Exceptions.
- PageNotFoundException
- Exception thrown if an error which can only be found on runtime occurs.
- RuntimeException
- Exception thrown if an error which can only be found on runtime occurs.
- TestException
- Exception thrown when there is an error with the test code.
- FileException
- Exception thrown if an error which can only be found on runtime occurs.
- FileNotFoundException
- Exception thrown if an error which can only be found on runtime occurs.
- File
- Wrapper for PHP's built-in SplFileInfo, with goodies.
- FileCollection
- File Collection Class
- Cors
- CSRF filter.
- DebugToolbar
- Debug toolbar filter
- FilterException
- FilterException
- Filters
- Filters
- ForceHTTPS
- Force HTTPS filter
- Honeypot
- Honeypot filter
- InvalidChars
- InvalidChars filter.
- PageCache
- Page Cache filter
- PerformanceMetrics
- Performance Metrics filter
- SecureHeaders
- Add Common Security Headers
- FormatException
- FormatException
- Format
- The Format class is a convenient place to create Formatters.
- JSONFormatter
- JSON data formatter
- XMLFormatter
- XML data formatter
- ArrayHelper
- HoneypotException
- Exception thrown if the value of the Config class is invalid or the type is incorrect.
- Honeypot
- class Honeypot
- CLIRequest
- Represents a request from the command-line. Provides additional tools to interact with that request since CLI requests are not static like HTTP requests might be.
- ContentSecurityPolicy
- Provides tools for working with the Content-Security-Policy header to help defeat XSS attacks.
- Cors
- Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
- CURLRequest
- A lightweight HTTP client for sending synchronous HTTP requests via cURL.
- DownloadResponse
- HTTP response when a download is requested.
- BadRequestException
- 400 Bad Request
- HTTPException
- Things that can go wrong with HTTP
- RedirectException
- RedirectException
- FileCollection
- Class FileCollection
- UploadedFile
- Value object representing a single file uploaded through an HTTP request. Used by the IncomingRequest class to provide files.
- Header
- Class Header
- IncomingRequest
- Class IncomingRequest
- Message
- An HTTP message
- Method
- HTTP Method List
- Negotiate
- Class Negotiate
- OutgoingRequest
- Representation of an outgoing, client-side request.
- RedirectResponse
- Handle a redirect response
- Request
- Representation of an incoming, server-side HTTP request.
- Response
- Representation of an outgoing, server-side response.
- SiteURI
- URI for the application site
- SiteURIFactory
- Creates SiteURI using superglobals.
- Abstraction for a uniform resource identifier (URI).
- UserAgent
- Abstraction for an HTTP user agent
- I18nException
- I18nException
- Time
- A localized date/time package inspired by Nesbot/Carbon and CakePHP/Chronos.
- TimeDifference
- Class TimeDifference
- TimeLegacy
- Legacy Time class.
- ImageException
- Class FrameworkException
- BaseHandler
- Base image handling implementation
- GDHandler
- Image handler for GD package
- ImageMagickHandler
- Class ImageMagickHandler
- Image
- Encapsulation of an Image file
- Language
- Handle system messages and localization.
- LogException
- Class FrameworkException
- BaseHandler
- Base class for logging
- ChromeLoggerHandler
- Class ChromeLoggerHandler
- ErrorlogHandler
- Log handler that writes to PHP's `error_log()`
- FileHandler
- Log error messages to file system
- Logger
- The CodeIgntier Logger
- Model
- The Model class extends BaseModel and provides additional convenient features that makes working with a SQL database table less painful.
- Modules
- Modules Class
- PagerException
- Class FrameworkException
- Pager
- Class Pager
- PagerRenderer
- Class PagerRenderer
- ContentReplacer
- Replace Text Content
- PublisherException
- Publisher Exception Class
- Publisher
- Publishers read in file paths from a variety of sources and copy the files out to different destinations. This class acts both as a base for individual publication directives as well as the mode of discovery for said instances. In this class a "file" is a full path to a verified file while a "path" is relative to its source or destination and may indicate either a file or directory of unconfirmed existence.
- BaseResource
- Class Controller
- ResourceController
- An extendable controller to provide a RESTful API for a resource.
- ResourcePresenter
- An extendable controller to help provide a UI for a resource.
- AutoRouter
- Router for Auto-Routing
- AutoRouterImproved
- New Secure Router for Auto-Routing
- DefinedRouteCollector
- Collect all defined routes for display.
- RouterException
- RouterException
- RouteCollection
- Router
- Request router.
- CheckPhpIni
- Checks php.ini settings
- SecurityException
- Class FrameworkException
- Security
- Class Security
- SessionException
- Class FrameworkException
- ArrayHandler
- Session handler using static array for storage.
- BaseHandler
- Base class for session handling
- MySQLiHandler
- Session handler for MySQLi
- PostgreHandler
- Session handler for Postgre
- DatabaseHandler
- Base database session handler
- FileHandler
- Session handler using file system for storage
- MemcachedHandler
- Session handler using Memcache for persistence
- RedisHandler
- Session handler using Redis for persistence
- Session
- Implementation of CodeIgniter session container.
- CIUnitTestCase
- Framework test case for PHPUnit.
- SeeInDatabase
- DOMParser
- Load a response into a DOMDocument for testing assertions based on that
- Fabricator
- Fabricator
- CITestStreamFilter
- Used to capture output during unit testing, so that it can be used in assertions.
- MockAppConfig
- MockAutoload
- MockBuilder
- Class BaseBuilder
- MockCache
- Base class for cache handling
- MockCLIConfig
- MockCodeIgniter
- This class is the core of the framework, and will analyse the request, route it to a controller, and send back the response.
- MockConnection
- MockCURLRequest
- Class MockCURLRequest
- MockEmail
- CodeIgniter Email Class
- MockEvents
- Events
- MockFileLogger
- Class MockFileLogger
- MockIncomingRequest
- Class IncomingRequest
- MockInputOutput
- Input and Output for CLI.
- MockLanguage
- Handle system messages and localization.
- MockLogger
- MockQuery
- Query builder
- MockResourceController
- An extendable controller to provide a RESTful API for a resource.
- MockResourcePresenter
- An extendable controller to help provide a UI for a resource.
- MockResponse
- Class MockResponse
- MockResult
- MockSecurity
- Class Security
- MockServices
- Services Configuration file.
- MockSession
- Class MockSession
- MockTable
- HTML Table Generating Class
- PhpStreamWrapper
- StreamWrapper for php protocol
- TestLogger
- The CodeIgntier Logger
- TestResponse
- Consolidated response processing for test results.
- Throttler
- Class Throttler
- Typography
- Typography Class
- CreditCardRules
- Class CreditCardRules
- DotArrayFilter
- ValidationException
- Class FrameworkException
- FileRules
- File validation rules
- FormatRules
- Format validation Rules.
- Rules
- Validation Rules.
- CreditCardRules
- Class CreditCardRules
- FileRules
- File validation rules
- FormatRules
- Format validation Rules.
- Rules
- Validation Rules.
- Validation
- Validator
- Cell
- Class Cell
- Cell
- Class Cell
- ViewException
- Class FrameworkException
- Filters
- View filters
- Parser
- Class for parsing pseudo-vars
- Plugins
- View plugins
- Table
- HTML Table Generating Class
- View
- Class View
- ResponseTrait
- Provides common, more readable, methods to provide consistent HTTP responses under a variety of common situations when working as an API.
- GeneratorTrait
- GeneratorTrait contains a collection of methods to build the commands that generates a file.
- DebugTraceableTrait
- This trait provides framework exceptions the ability to pinpoint accurately where the exception was raised rather than instantiated.
- MessageTrait
- Message Trait Additional methods to make a PSR-7 Message class compliant with the framework's own MessageInterface.
- RequestTrait
- Request Trait
- ResponseTrait
- Response Trait
- TimeTrait
- This trait has properties and methods for Time and TimeLegacy.
- ConfigFromArrayTrait
- ControllerTestTrait
- Controller Test Trait
- DatabaseTestTrait
- DatabaseTestTrait
- FeatureTestTrait
- Trait FeatureTestTrait
- FilterTestTrait
- Filter Test Trait
- IniTestTrait
- ReflectionHelper
- Testing helper.
- StreamFilterTrait
- ConditionalTrait
- PropertiesTrait
- Trait PropertiesTrait
- ViewDecoratorTrait
- APPPATH = realpath(rtrim($paths->appDirectory, '\/ ')) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
- APPPATH = \realpath(\rtrim($paths->appDirectory, '\/ ')) . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
- ENVIRONMENT = env('CI_ENVIRONMENT', 'production')
- ENVIRONMENT = 'testing'
- STDOUT = 'php://output'
- SYSTEMPATH = realpath(rtrim($paths->systemDirectory, '\/ ')) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
- SYSTEMPATH = \realpath(\rtrim($paths->systemDirectory, '\/ ')) . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
- TESTPATH = realpath(rtrim($paths->testsDirectory, '\/ ')) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
- TESTPATH = \realpath(\rtrim($paths->testsDirectory, '\/ ')) . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
- WRITEPATH = \realpath(\rtrim($paths->writableDirectory, '\/ ')) . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
- app_timezone() : string
- Returns the timezone the application has been set to display dates in. This might be different than the timezone set at the server level, as you often want to stores dates in UTC and convert them on the fly for the user.
- cache() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool|CacheInterface|float|int|object|string|null
- A convenience method that provides access to the Cache object. If no parameter is provided, will return the object, otherwise, will attempt to return the cached value.
- clean_path() : string
- A convenience method to clean paths for a nicer looking output. Useful for exception handling, error logging, etc.
- command() : false|string
- Runs a single command.
- config() : ConfigTemplate|null
- More simple way of getting config instances from Factories
- cookie() : Cookie
- Simpler way to create a new Cookie instance.
- cookies() : CookieStore
- Fetches the global `CookieStore` instance held by `Response`.
- csrf_token() : string
- Returns the CSRF token name.
- csrf_header() : string
- Returns the CSRF header name.
- csrf_hash() : string
- Returns the current hash value for the CSRF protection.
- csrf_field() : string
- Generates a hidden input field for use within manually generated forms.
- csrf_meta() : string
- Generates a meta tag for use within javascript calls.
- csp_style_nonce() : string
- Generates a nonce attribute for style tag.
- csp_script_nonce() : string
- Generates a nonce attribute for script tag.
- db_connect() : BaseConnection
- Grabs a database connection and returns it to the user.
- env() : array<int|string, mixed>|bool|float|int|object|string|null
- Allows user to retrieve values from the environment variables that have been set. Especially useful for retrieving values set from the .env file for use in config files.
- esc() : array<string|int, mixed>|string
- Performs simple auto-escaping of data for security reasons.
- force_https() : void
- Used to force a page to be accessed in via HTTPS.
- function_usable() : bool
- Function usable
- helper() : void
- Loads a helper file into memory. Supports namespaced helpers, both in and out of the 'Helpers' directory of a namespaced directory.
- is_cli() : bool
- Check if PHP was invoked from the command line.
- is_really_writable() : bool
- Tests for file writability
- is_windows() : bool
- Detect if platform is running in Windows.
- lang() : array<int, string>|string
- A convenience method to translate a string or array of them and format the result with the intl extension's MessageFormatter.
- log_message() : void
- A convenience/compatibility method for logging events through the Log system.
- model() : ModelTemplate|null
- More simple way of getting model instances from Factories
- old() : array<string|int, mixed>|string|null
- Provides access to "old input" that was set in the session during a redirect()->withInput().
- redirect() : RedirectResponse
- Convenience method that works with the current global $request and $router instances to redirect using named/reverse-routed routes to determine the URL to go to.
- remove_invisible_characters() : string
- Remove Invisible Characters
- request() : CLIRequest|IncomingRequest
- Returns the shared Request.
- response() : ResponseInterface
- Returns the shared Response.
- route_to() : false|string
- Given a route name or controller/method string and any params, will attempt to build the relative URL to the matching route.
- session() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool|float|int|object|Session|string|null
- A convenience method for accessing the session instance, or an item that has been set in the session.
- service() : object|null
- Allows cleaner access to the Services Config file.
- single_service() : object|null
- Always returns a new instance of the class.
- slash_item() : string|null
- Fetch a config file item with slash appended (if not empty)
- stringify_attributes() : string
- Stringify attributes for use in HTML tags.
- timer() : mixed|Timer
- A convenience method for working with the timer.
- view() : string
- Grabs the current RendererInterface-compatible class and tells it to render the specified view. Simply provides a convenience method that can be used in Controllers, libraries, and routed closures.
- view_cell() : string
- View cells are used within views to insert HTML chunks that are managed by other classes.
- class_basename() : string
- Get the class "basename" of the given object / class.
- class_uses_recursive() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns all traits used by a class, its parent classes and trait of their traits.
- trait_uses_recursive() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns all traits used by a trait and its traits.
- dot_array_search() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool|int|object|string|null
- Searches an array through dot syntax. Supports wildcard searches, like foo.*.bar
- array_deep_search() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool|float|int|object|string|null
- Returns the value of an element at a key in an array of uncertain depth.
- array_sort_by_multiple_keys() : bool
- Sorts a multidimensional array by its elements values. The array columns to be used for sorting are passed as an associative array of key names and sorting flags.
- array_flatten_with_dots() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Flatten a multidimensional array using dots as separators.
- array_group_by() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Groups all rows by their index values. Result's depth equals number of indexes
- set_cookie() : void
- Set cookie
- get_cookie() : array<string|int, mixed>|string|null
- Fetch an item from the $_COOKIE array
- delete_cookie() : void
- Delete a cookie
- has_cookie() : bool
- Checks if a cookie exists by name.
- now() : int
- Get "now" time
- timezone_select() : string
- Generates a select field of all available timezones
- directory_map() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Create a Directory Map
- directory_mirror() : void
- Recursively copies the files and directories of the origin directory into the target directory, i.e. "mirror" its contents.
- write_file() : bool
- Write File
- delete_files() : bool
- Delete Files
- get_filenames() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get Filenames
- get_dir_file_info() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get Directory File Information
- get_file_info() : array<string|int, mixed>|null
- Get File Info
- symbolic_permissions() : string
- Symbolic Permissions
- octal_permissions() : string
- Octal Permissions
- same_file() : bool
- Checks if two files both exist and have identical hashes
- set_realpath() : string
- Set Realpath
- form_open() : string
- Form Declaration
- form_open_multipart() : string
- Form Declaration - Multipart type
- form_hidden() : string
- Hidden Input Field
- form_input() : string
- Text Input Field. If 'type' is passed in the $type field, it will be used as the input type, for making 'email', 'phone', etc input fields.
- form_password() : string
- Password Field
- form_upload() : string
- Upload Field
- form_textarea() : string
- Textarea field
- form_multiselect() : string
- Multi-select menu
- form_dropdown() : string
- Drop-down Menu
- form_checkbox() : string
- Checkbox Field
- form_radio() : string
- Radio Button
- form_submit() : string
- Submit Button
- form_reset() : string
- Reset Button
- form_button() : string
- Form Button
- form_label() : string
- Form Label Tag
- form_datalist() : string
- Datalist
- form_fieldset() : string
- Fieldset Tag
- form_fieldset_close() : string
- Fieldset Close Tag
- form_close() : string
- Form Close Tag
- set_value() : array<int, string>|string
- Form Value
- set_select() : string
- Set Select
- set_checkbox() : string
- Set Checkbox
- set_radio() : string
- Set Radio
- validation_errors() : array<string, string>
- Returns the validation errors.
- validation_list_errors() : string
- Returns the rendered HTML of the validation errors.
- validation_show_error() : string
- Returns a single error for the specified field in formatted HTML.
- ul() : string
- Unordered List
- ol() : string
- Ordered List
- _list() : string
- Generates the list
- img() : string
- Image
- img_data() : string
- Image (data)
- doctype() : string
- Doctype
- script_tag() : string
- Script
- link_tag() : string
- Link
- video() : string
- Video
- audio() : string
- Audio
- _media() : string
- Generate media based tag
- source() : string
- Source
- track() : string
- Track
- object() : string
- Object
- param() : string
- Param
- embed() : string
- Embed
- _has_protocol() : false|int
- Test the protocol of a URI.
- _space_indent() : string
- Provide space indenting.
- singular() : string
- Singular
- plural() : string
- Plural
- counted() : string
- Counted
- camelize() : string
- Camelize
- pascalize() : string
- Pascalize
- underscore() : string
- Underscore
- decamelize() : string
- Decamelize
- humanize() : string
- Humanize
- is_pluralizable() : bool
- Checks if the given word has a plural version.
- dasherize() : string
- Replaces underscores with dashes in the string.
- ordinal() : string
- Returns the suffix that should be added to a number to denote the position in an ordered sequence such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th.
- ordinalize() : string
- Turns a number into an ordinal string used to denote the position in an ordered sequence such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th.
- dd() : int
- dd function
- d() : int
- d function
- trace() : int
- trace function
- number_to_size() : bool|string
- Formats a numbers as bytes, based on size, and adds the appropriate suffix
- number_to_amount() : bool|string
- Converts numbers to a more readable representation when dealing with very large numbers (in the thousands or above), up to the quadrillions, because you won't often deal with numbers larger than that.
- number_to_currency() : string
- format_number() : string
- A general purpose, locale-aware, number_format method.
- number_to_roman() : string|null
- Convert a number to a roman numeral.
- sanitize_filename() : string
- Sanitize a filename to use in a URI.
- strip_image_tags() : string
- Strip Image Tags
- encode_php_tags() : string
- Convert PHP tags to entities
- fake() : array<string|int, mixed>|object
- Creates a single item using Fabricator.
- mock() : object
- Used within our test suite to mock certain system tools.
- word_limiter() : string
- Word Limiter
- character_limiter() : string
- Character Limiter
- ascii_to_entities() : string
- High ASCII to Entities
- entities_to_ascii() : string
- Entities to ASCII
- word_censor() : string
- Word Censoring Function
- highlight_code() : string
- Code Highlighter
- highlight_phrase() : string
- Phrase Highlighter
- convert_accented_characters() : string
- Convert Accented Foreign Characters to ASCII
- word_wrap() : string
- Word Wrap
- ellipsize() : string
- Ellipsize String
- strip_slashes() : array<string|int, mixed>|string
- Strip Slashes
- strip_quotes() : string
- Strip Quotes
- quotes_to_entities() : string
- Quotes to Entities
- reduce_double_slashes() : string
- Reduce Double Slashes
- reduce_multiples() : string
- Reduce Multiples
- random_string() : string
- Create a Random String
- increment_string() : string
- Add's _1 to a string or increment the ending number to allow _2, _3, etc
- alternator() : string
- Alternator
- excerpt() : string
- Excerpt.
- site_url() : string
- Returns a site URL as defined by the App config.
- base_url() : string
- Returns the base URL as defined by the App config.
- current_url() : string|URI
- Returns the current full URL based on the Config\App settings and IncomingRequest.
- previous_url() : string|URI
- Returns the previous URL the current visitor was on. For security reasons we first check in a saved session variable, if it exists, and use that.
- uri_string() : string
- URL String
- index_page() : string
- Index page
- anchor() : string
- Anchor Link
- anchor_popup() : string
- Anchor Link - Pop-up version
- mailto() : string
- Mailto Link
- safe_mailto() : string
- Encoded Mailto Link
- auto_link() : string
- Auto-linker
- prep_url() : string
- Prep URL - Simply adds the http:// or https:// part if no scheme is included.
- url_title() : string
- Create URL Title
- mb_url_title() : string
- Create URL Title that takes into account accented characters
- url_to() : string
- Get the full, absolute URL to a route name or controller method (with additional arguments)
- url_is() : bool
- Determines if current url path contains the given path. It may contain a wildcard (*) which will allow any valid character.
- xml_convert() : string
- Convert Reserved XML characters to Entities
- is_cli() : bool
- Is CLI?
= realpath(rtrim($paths->appDirectory, '\/ ')) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
= \realpath(\rtrim($paths->appDirectory, '\/ ')) . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
= 30
= $env
= env('CI_ENVIRONMENT', 'production')
= 'testing'
= \realpath(\APPPATH . '../') . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
= 'php://output'
= realpath(rtrim($paths->systemDirectory, '\/ ')) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
= \realpath(\rtrim($paths->systemDirectory, '\/ ')) . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
= realpath(rtrim($paths->testsDirectory, '\/ ')) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
= \realpath(\rtrim($paths->testsDirectory, '\/ ')) . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
= \realpath(\rtrim($paths->writableDirectory, '\/ ')) . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
Returns the timezone the application has been set to display dates in. This might be different than the timezone set at the server level, as you often want to stores dates in UTC and convert them on the fly for the user.
app_timezone() : string
Return values
A convenience method that provides access to the Cache object. If no parameter is provided, will return the object, otherwise, will attempt to return the cached value.
cache([string|null $key = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool|CacheInterface|float|int|object|string|null
Examples: cache()->save('foo', 'bar'); $foo = cache('bar');
- $key : string|null = null
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool|CacheInterface|float|int|object|string|nullclean_path()
A convenience method to clean paths for a nicer looking output. Useful for exception handling, error logging, etc.
clean_path(string $path) : string
- $path : string
Return values
Runs a single command.
command(string $command) : false|string
Input expected in a single string as would be used on the command line itself:
command('migrate:create SomeMigration');
- $command : string
Return values
More simple way of getting config instances from Factories
config(ConfigTemplate>|string $name[, bool $getShared = true ]) : ConfigTemplate|null
- $name : ConfigTemplate>|string
- $getShared : bool = true
Return values
Simpler way to create a new Cookie instance.
cookie(string $name[, string $value = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $options = [] ]) : Cookie
- $name : string
Name of the cookie
- $value : string = ''
Value of the cookie
- $options : array<string|int, mixed> = []
Array of options to be passed to the cookie
Return values
Fetches the global `CookieStore` instance held by `Response`.
cookies([array<int, Cookie> $cookies = [] ][, bool $getGlobal = true ]) : CookieStore
- $cookies : array<int, Cookie> = []
is false, this is passed to CookieStore's constructor - $getGlobal : bool = true
If false, creates a new instance of CookieStore
Return values
Returns the CSRF token name.
csrf_token() : string
Can be used in Views when building hidden inputs manually, or used in javascript vars when using APIs.
Return values
Returns the CSRF header name.
csrf_header() : string
Can be used in Views by adding it to the meta tag or used in javascript to define a header name when using APIs.
Return values
Returns the current hash value for the CSRF protection.
csrf_hash() : string
Can be used in Views when building hidden inputs manually, or used in javascript vars for API usage.
Return values
Generates a hidden input field for use within manually generated forms.
csrf_field([non-empty-string|null $id = null ]) : string
- $id : non-empty-string|null = null
Return values
Generates a meta tag for use within javascript calls.
csrf_meta([non-empty-string|null $id = null ]) : string
- $id : non-empty-string|null = null
Return values
Generates a nonce attribute for style tag.
csp_style_nonce() : string
Return values
Generates a nonce attribute for script tag.
csp_script_nonce() : string
Return values
Grabs a database connection and returns it to the user.
db_connect([array<string|int, mixed>|ConnectionInterface|string|null $db = null ][, bool $getShared = true ]) : BaseConnection
This is a convenience wrapper for \Config\Database::connect() and supports the same parameters. Namely:
When passing in $db, you may pass any of the following to connect:
- group name
- existing connection instance
- array of database configuration values
If $getShared === false then a new connection instance will be provided, otherwise it will all calls will return the same instance.
- $db : array<string|int, mixed>|ConnectionInterface|string|null = null
- $getShared : bool = true
Return values
Allows user to retrieve values from the environment variables that have been set. Especially useful for retrieving values set from the .env file for use in config files.
env(string $key[, array<int|string, mixed>|bool|float|int|object|string|null $default = null ]) : array<int|string, mixed>|bool|float|int|object|string|null
- $key : string
- $default : array<int|string, mixed>|bool|float|int|object|string|null = null
Return values
array<int|string, mixed>|bool|float|int|object|string|nullesc()
Performs simple auto-escaping of data for security reasons.
esc(array<string|int, mixed>|string $data[, string $context = 'html' ][, string|null $encoding = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|string
Might consider making this more complex at a later date.
If $data is a string, then it simply escapes and returns it. If $data is an array, then it loops over it, escaping each 'value' of the key/value pairs.
- $data : array<string|int, mixed>|string
- $context : string = 'html'
- $encoding : string|null = null
Current encoding for escaping. If not UTF-8, we convert strings from this encoding pre-escaping and back to this encoding post-escaping.
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|stringforce_https()
Used to force a page to be accessed in via HTTPS.
force_https([int $duration = 31536000 ][, RequestInterface|null $request = null ][, ResponseInterface|null $response = null ]) : void
Uses a standard redirect, plus will set the HSTS header for modern browsers that support, which gives best protection against man-in-the-middle attacks.
- $duration : int = 31536000
How long should the SSL header be set for? (in seconds) Defaults to 1 year.
- $request : RequestInterface|null = null
- $response : ResponseInterface|null = null
Function usable
function_usable(string $functionName) : bool
Executes a function_exists() check, and if the Suhosin PHP extension is loaded - checks whether the function that is checked might be disabled in there as well.
This is useful as function_exists() will return FALSE for functions disabled via the disable_functions php.ini setting, but not for suhosin.executor.func.blacklist and suhosin.executor.disable_eval. These settings will just terminate script execution if a disabled function is executed.
The above described behavior turned out to be a bug in Suhosin, but even though a fix was committed for 0.9.34 on 2012-02-12, that version is yet to be released. This function will therefore be just temporary, but would probably be kept for a few years.
- $functionName : string
Function to check for
Return values
bool —TRUE if the function exists and is safe to call, FALSE otherwise.
Loads a helper file into memory. Supports namespaced helpers, both in and out of the 'Helpers' directory of a namespaced directory.
helper(array<string|int, mixed>|string $filenames) : void
Will load ALL helpers of the matching name, in the following order:
- app/Helpers
- {namespace}/Helpers
- system/Helpers
- $filenames : array<string|int, mixed>|string
Check if PHP was invoked from the command line.
is_cli() : bool
Return values
Tests for file writability
is_really_writable(string $file) : bool
is_writable() returns TRUE on Windows servers when you really can't write to the file, based on the read-only attribute. is_writable() is also unreliable on Unix servers if safe_mode is on.
- $file : string
Return values
Detect if platform is running in Windows.
is_windows([bool|null $mock = null ]) : bool
- $mock : bool|null = null
Return values
A convenience method to translate a string or array of them and format the result with the intl extension's MessageFormatter.
lang(string $line[, array<string|int, mixed> $args = [] ][, string|null $locale = null ]) : array<int, string>|string
- $line : string
- $args : array<string|int, mixed> = []
- $locale : string|null = null
Return values
array<int, string>|stringlog_message()
A convenience/compatibility method for logging events through the Log system.
log_message(string $level, string $message[, array<string|int, mixed> $context = [] ]) : void
Allowed log levels are:
- emergency
- alert
- critical
- error
- warning
- notice
- info
- debug
- $level : string
- $message : string
- $context : array<string|int, mixed> = []
More simple way of getting model instances from Factories
model(ModelTemplate>|string $name[, bool $getShared = true ][, ConnectionInterface|null &$conn = null ]) : ModelTemplate|null
- $name : ModelTemplate>|string
- $getShared : bool = true
- $conn : ConnectionInterface|null = null
Return values
Provides access to "old input" that was set in the session during a redirect()->withInput().
old(string $key[, string|null $default = null ][, false|string $escape = 'html' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|string|null
- $key : string
- $default : string|null = null
- $escape : false|string = 'html'
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|string|nullredirect()
Convenience method that works with the current global $request and $router instances to redirect using named/reverse-routed routes to determine the URL to go to.
redirect([non-empty-string|null $route = null ]) : RedirectResponse
If more control is needed, you must use $response->redirect explicitly.
- $route : non-empty-string|null = null
Route name or Controller::method
Return values
Remove Invisible Characters
remove_invisible_characters(string $str[, bool $urlEncoded = true ]) : string
This prevents sandwiching null characters between ascii characters, like Java\0script.
- $str : string
- $urlEncoded : bool = true
Return values
Returns the shared Request.
request() : CLIRequest|IncomingRequest
Return values
Returns the shared Response.
response() : ResponseInterface
Return values
Given a route name or controller/method string and any params, will attempt to build the relative URL to the matching route.
route_to(string $method, int|string ...$params) : false|string
NOTE: This requires the controller/method to have a route defined in the routes Config file.
- $method : string
Route name or Controller::method
- $params : int|string
One or more parameters to be passed to the route. The last parameter allows you to set the locale.
Return values
false|string —The route (URI path relative to baseURL) or false if not found.
A convenience method for accessing the session instance, or an item that has been set in the session.
session([string|null $val = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool|float|int|object|Session|string|null
Examples: session()->set('foo', 'bar'); $foo = session('bar');
- $val : string|null = null
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool|float|int|object|Session|string|nullservice()
Allows cleaner access to the Services Config file.
service(string $name, array<string|int, mixed>|bool|float|int|object|string|null ...$params) : object|null
Always returns a SHARED instance of the class, so calling the function multiple times should always return the same instance.
These are equal:
- $timer = service('timer')
- $timer = \CodeIgniter\Config\Services::timer();
- $name : string
- $params : array<string|int, mixed>|bool|float|int|object|string|null
Return values
Always returns a new instance of the class.
single_service(string $name, array<string|int, mixed>|bool|float|int|object|string|null ...$params) : object|null
- $name : string
- $params : array<string|int, mixed>|bool|float|int|object|string|null
Return values
Fetch a config file item with slash appended (if not empty)
slash_item(string $item) : string|null
- $item : string
Config item name
Return values
string|null —The configuration item or NULL if the item doesn't exist
Stringify attributes for use in HTML tags.
stringify_attributes(array<string|int, mixed>|object|string $attributes[, bool $js = false ]) : string
Helper function used to convert a string, array, or object of attributes to a string.
- $attributes : array<string|int, mixed>|object|string
string, array, object that can be cast to array
- $js : bool = false
Return values
A convenience method for working with the timer.
timer([non-empty-string|null $name = null ][, callable(): mixed|null $callable = null ]) : mixed|Timer
If no parameter is passed, it will return the timer instance. If callable is passed, it measures time of callable and returns its return value if any. Otherwise will start or stop the timer intelligently.
- $name : non-empty-string|null = null
- $callable : callable(): mixed|null = null
Return values
Grabs the current RendererInterface-compatible class and tells it to render the specified view. Simply provides a convenience method that can be used in Controllers, libraries, and routed closures.
view(string $name[, array<string|int, mixed> $data = [] ][, array<string|int, mixed> $options = [] ]) : string
NOTE: Does not provide any escaping of the data, so that must all be handled manually by the developer.
- $name : string
- $data : array<string|int, mixed> = []
- $options : array<string|int, mixed> = []
Options for saveData or third-party extensions.
Return values
View cells are used within views to insert HTML chunks that are managed by other classes.
view_cell(string $library[, array<string|int, mixed>|string|null $params = null ][, int $ttl = 0 ][, string|null $cacheName = null ]) : string
- $library : string
- $params : array<string|int, mixed>|string|null = null
- $ttl : int = 0
- $cacheName : string|null = null
Return values
Get the class "basename" of the given object / class.
class_basename(object|string $class) : string
- $class : object|string
Return values
Returns all traits used by a class, its parent classes and trait of their traits.
class_uses_recursive(object|string $class) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $class : object|string
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>trait_uses_recursive()
Returns all traits used by a trait and its traits.
trait_uses_recursive(string $trait) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $trait : string
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>dot_array_search()
Searches an array through dot syntax. Supports wildcard searches, like foo.*.bar
dot_array_search(string $index, array<string|int, mixed> $array) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool|int|object|string|null
- $index : string
- $array : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool|int|object|string|nullarray_deep_search()
Returns the value of an element at a key in an array of uncertain depth.
array_deep_search(int|string $key, array<string|int, mixed> $array) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool|float|int|object|string|null
- $key : int|string
- $array : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool|float|int|object|string|nullarray_sort_by_multiple_keys()
Sorts a multidimensional array by its elements values. The array columns to be used for sorting are passed as an associative array of key names and sorting flags.
array_sort_by_multiple_keys(array<string|int, mixed> &$array, array<string|int, mixed> $sortColumns) : bool
Both arrays of objects and arrays of array can be sorted.
Example: array_sort_by_multiple_keys($players, [ 'team.hierarchy' => SORT_ASC, 'position' => SORT_ASC, 'name' => SORT_STRING, ]);
The '.' dot operator in the column name indicates a deeper array or object level. In principle, any number of sublevels could be used, as long as the level and column exist in every array element.
For information on multi-level array sorting, refer to Example #3 here:
- $array : array<string|int, mixed>
the reference of the array to be sorted
- $sortColumns : array<string|int, mixed>
an associative array of columns to sort after and their sorting flags
Return values
Flatten a multidimensional array using dots as separators.
array_flatten_with_dots(iterable<string|int, mixed> $array[, string $id = '' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $array : iterable<string|int, mixed>
The multi-dimensional array
- $id : string = ''
Something to initially prepend to the flattened keys
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —The flattened array
Groups all rows by their index values. Result's depth equals number of indexes
array_group_by(array<string|int, mixed> $array, array<string|int, mixed> $indexes[, bool $includeEmpty = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $array : array<string|int, mixed>
Data array (i.e. from query result)
- $indexes : array<string|int, mixed>
Indexes to group by. Dot syntax used. Returns $array if empty
- $includeEmpty : bool = false
If true, null and '' are also added as valid keys to group
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —Result array where rows are grouped together by indexes values.
Set cookie
set_cookie(array<string|int, mixed>|Cookie|string $name[, string $value = '' ][, int $expire = 0 ][, string $domain = '' ][, string $path = '/' ][, string $prefix = '' ][, bool|null $secure = null ][, bool|null $httpOnly = null ][, string|null $sameSite = null ]) : void
Accepts seven parameters, or you can submit an associative array in the first parameter containing all the values.
- $name : array<string|int, mixed>|Cookie|string
Cookie name / array containing binds / Cookie object
- $value : string = ''
The value of the cookie
- $expire : int = 0
The number of seconds until expiration
- $domain : string = ''
For site-wide cookie. Usually:
- $path : string = '/'
The cookie path
- $prefix : string = ''
The cookie prefix ('': the default prefix)
- $secure : bool|null = null
True makes the cookie secure
- $httpOnly : bool|null = null
True makes the cookie accessible via http(s) only (no javascript)
- $sameSite : string|null = null
The cookie SameSite value
Fetch an item from the $_COOKIE array
get_cookie(string $index[, bool $xssClean = false ][, string|null $prefix = '' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|string|null
- $index : string
- $xssClean : bool = false
- $prefix : string|null = ''
Cookie name prefix. '': the prefix in Config\Cookie null: no prefix
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|string|nulldelete_cookie()
Delete a cookie
delete_cookie(string $name[, string $domain = '' ][, string $path = '/' ][, string $prefix = '' ]) : void
- $name : string
- $domain : string = ''
the cookie domain. Usually:
- $path : string = '/'
the cookie path
- $prefix : string = ''
the cookie prefix
Checks if a cookie exists by name.
has_cookie(string $name[, string|null $value = null ][, string $prefix = '' ]) : bool
- $name : string
- $value : string|null = null
- $prefix : string = ''
Return values
Get "now" time
now([non-empty-string|null $timezone = null ]) : int
Returns Time::now()->getTimestamp() based on the timezone parameter or on the app_timezone() setting
- $timezone : non-empty-string|null = null
Return values
Generates a select field of all available timezones
timezone_select([string $class = '' ][, string $default = '' ][, int $what = DateTimeZone::ALL ][, string $country = null ]) : string
Returns a string with the formatted HTML
- $class : string = ''
Optional class to apply to the select field
- $default : string = ''
Default value for initial selection
- $what : int = DateTimeZone::ALL
One of the DateTimeZone class constants (for listIdentifiers)
- $country : string = null
A two-letter ISO 3166-1 compatible country code (for listIdentifiers)
Return values
Create a Directory Map
directory_map(string $sourceDir[, int $directoryDepth = 0 ][, bool $hidden = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
Reads the specified directory and builds an array representation of it. Sub-folders contained with the directory will be mapped as well.
- $sourceDir : string
Path to source
- $directoryDepth : int = 0
Depth of directories to traverse (0 = fully recursive, 1 = current dir, etc)
- $hidden : bool = false
Whether to show hidden files
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>directory_mirror()
Recursively copies the files and directories of the origin directory into the target directory, i.e. "mirror" its contents.
directory_mirror(string $originDir, string $targetDir[, bool $overwrite = true ]) : void
- $originDir : string
- $targetDir : string
- $overwrite : bool = true
Whether individual files overwrite on collision
Write File
write_file(string $path, string $data[, string $mode = 'wb' ]) : bool
Writes data to the file specified in the path. Creates a new file if non-existent.
- $path : string
File path
- $data : string
Data to write
- $mode : string = 'wb'
fopen() mode (default: 'wb')
Return values
Delete Files
delete_files(string $path[, bool $delDir = false ][, bool $htdocs = false ][, bool $hidden = false ]) : bool
Deletes all files contained in the supplied directory path. Files must be writable or owned by the system in order to be deleted. If the second parameter is set to true, any directories contained within the supplied base directory will be nuked as well.
- $path : string
File path
- $delDir : bool = false
Whether to delete any directories found in the path
- $htdocs : bool = false
Whether to skip deleting .htaccess and index page files
- $hidden : bool = false
Whether to include hidden files (files beginning with a period)
Return values
Get Filenames
get_filenames(string $sourceDir[, bool|null $includePath = false ][, bool $hidden = false ][, bool $includeDir = true ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
Reads the specified directory and builds an array containing the filenames. Any sub-folders contained within the specified path are read as well.
- $sourceDir : string
Path to source
- $includePath : bool|null = false
Whether to include the path as part of the filename; false for no path, null for a relative path, true for full path
- $hidden : bool = false
Whether to include hidden files (files beginning with a period)
- $includeDir : bool = true
Whether to include directories
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>get_dir_file_info()
Get Directory File Information
get_dir_file_info(string $sourceDir[, bool $topLevelOnly = true ][, bool $recursion = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
Reads the specified directory and builds an array containing the filenames, filesize, dates, and permissions
Any sub-folders contained within the specified path are read as well.
- $sourceDir : string
Path to source
- $topLevelOnly : bool = true
Look only at the top level directory specified?
- $recursion : bool = false
Internal variable to determine recursion status - do not use in calls
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>get_file_info()
Get File Info
get_file_info(string $file[, array<string|int, mixed>|string $returnedValues = ['name', 'server_path', 'size', 'date'] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Given a file and path, returns the name, path, size, date modified Second parameter allows you to explicitly declare what information you want returned Options are: name, server_path, size, date, readable, writable, executable, fileperms Returns false if the file cannot be found.
- $file : string
Path to file
- $returnedValues : array<string|int, mixed>|string = ['name', 'server_path', 'size', 'date']
Array or comma separated string of information returned
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|nullsymbolic_permissions()
Symbolic Permissions
symbolic_permissions(int $perms) : string
Takes a numeric value representing a file's permissions and returns standard symbolic notation representing that value
- $perms : int
Return values
Octal Permissions
octal_permissions(int $perms) : string
Takes a numeric value representing a file's permissions and returns a three character string representing the file's octal permissions
- $perms : int
Return values
Checks if two files both exist and have identical hashes
same_file(string $file1, string $file2) : bool
- $file1 : string
- $file2 : string
Return values
bool —Same or not
Set Realpath
set_realpath(string $path[, bool $checkExistence = false ]) : string
- $path : string
- $checkExistence : bool = false
Checks to see if the path exists
Return values
Form Declaration
form_open([string $action = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed>|string $attributes = [] ][, array<string|int, mixed> $hidden = [] ]) : string
Creates the opening portion of the form.
- $action : string = ''
the URI segments of the form destination
- $attributes : array<string|int, mixed>|string = []
a key/value pair of attributes, or string representation
- $hidden : array<string|int, mixed> = []
a key/value pair hidden data
Return values
Form Declaration - Multipart type
form_open_multipart([string $action = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed>|string $attributes = [] ][, array<string|int, mixed> $hidden = [] ]) : string
Creates the opening portion of the form, but with "multipart/form-data".
- $action : string = ''
The URI segments of the form destination
- $attributes : array<string|int, mixed>|string = []
A key/value pair of attributes, or the same as a string
- $hidden : array<string|int, mixed> = []
A key/value pair hidden data
Return values
Hidden Input Field
form_hidden(array<string|int, mixed>|string $name[, array<string|int, mixed>|string $value = '' ][, bool $recursing = false ]) : string
Generates hidden fields. You can pass a simple key/value string or an associative array with multiple values.
- $name : array<string|int, mixed>|string
Field name or associative array to create multiple fields
- $value : array<string|int, mixed>|string = ''
Field value
- $recursing : bool = false
Return values
Text Input Field. If 'type' is passed in the $type field, it will be used as the input type, for making 'email', 'phone', etc input fields.
form_input([array<string|int, mixed>|string $data = '' ][, string $value = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed>|object|string $extra = '' ][, string $type = 'text' ]) : string
- $data : array<string|int, mixed>|string = ''
- $value : string = ''
- $extra : array<string|int, mixed>|object|string = ''
string, array, object that can be cast to array
- $type : string = 'text'
Return values
Password Field
form_password([array<string|int, mixed>|string $data = '' ][, string $value = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed>|object|string $extra = '' ]) : string
Identical to the input function but adds the "password" type
- $data : array<string|int, mixed>|string = ''
- $value : string = ''
- $extra : array<string|int, mixed>|object|string = ''
string, array, object that can be cast to array
Return values
Upload Field
form_upload([array<string|int, mixed>|string $data = '' ][, string $value = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed>|object|string $extra = '' ]) : string
Identical to the input function but adds the "file" type
- $data : array<string|int, mixed>|string = ''
- $value : string = ''
- $extra : array<string|int, mixed>|object|string = ''
string, array, object that can be cast to array
Return values
Textarea field
form_textarea([array<string|int, mixed>|string $data = '' ][, string $value = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed>|object|string $extra = '' ]) : string
- $data : array<string|int, mixed>|string = ''
- $value : string = ''
- $extra : array<string|int, mixed>|object|string = ''
string, array, object that can be cast to array
Return values
Multi-select menu
form_multiselect([array<string|int, mixed>|string $name = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $options = [] ][, array<string|int, mixed> $selected = [] ][, array<string|int, mixed>|object|string $extra = '' ]) : string
- $name : array<string|int, mixed>|string = ''
- $options : array<string|int, mixed> = []
- $selected : array<string|int, mixed> = []
- $extra : array<string|int, mixed>|object|string = ''
string, array, object that can be cast to array
Return values
Drop-down Menu
form_dropdown([array<string|int, mixed>|string $data = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed>|string $options = [] ][, array<string|int, mixed>|string $selected = [] ][, array<string|int, mixed>|object|string $extra = '' ]) : string
- $data : array<string|int, mixed>|string = ''
- $options : array<string|int, mixed>|string = []
- $selected : array<string|int, mixed>|string = []
- $extra : array<string|int, mixed>|object|string = ''
string, array, object that can be cast to array
Return values
Checkbox Field
form_checkbox([array<string|int, mixed>|string $data = '' ][, string $value = '' ][, bool $checked = false ][, array<string|int, mixed>|object|string $extra = '' ]) : string
- $data : array<string|int, mixed>|string = ''
- $value : string = ''
- $checked : bool = false
- $extra : array<string|int, mixed>|object|string = ''
string, array, object that can be cast to array
Return values
Radio Button
form_radio([array<string|int, mixed>|string $data = '' ][, string $value = '' ][, bool $checked = false ][, array<string|int, mixed>|object|string $extra = '' ]) : string
- $data : array<string|int, mixed>|string = ''
- $value : string = ''
- $checked : bool = false
- $extra : array<string|int, mixed>|object|string = ''
string, array, object that can be cast to array
Return values
Submit Button
form_submit([array<string|int, mixed>|string $data = '' ][, string $value = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed>|object|string $extra = '' ]) : string
- $data : array<string|int, mixed>|string = ''
- $value : string = ''
- $extra : array<string|int, mixed>|object|string = ''
string, array, object that can be cast to array
Return values
Reset Button
form_reset([array<string|int, mixed>|string $data = '' ][, string $value = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed>|object|string $extra = '' ]) : string
- $data : array<string|int, mixed>|string = ''
- $value : string = ''
- $extra : array<string|int, mixed>|object|string = ''
string, array, object that can be cast to array
Return values
Form Button
form_button([array<string|int, mixed>|string $data = '' ][, string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed>|object|string $extra = '' ]) : string
- $data : array<string|int, mixed>|string = ''
- $content : string = ''
- $extra : array<string|int, mixed>|object|string = ''
string, array, object that can be cast to array
Return values
Form Label Tag
form_label([string $labelText = '' ][, string $id = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $attributes = [] ]) : string
- $labelText : string = ''
The text to appear onscreen
- $id : string = ''
The id the label applies to
- $attributes : array<string|int, mixed> = []
Additional attributes
Return values
form_datalist(string $name, string $value, array<string|int, mixed> $options) : string
- $name : string
- $value : string
- $options : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
Fieldset Tag
form_fieldset([string $legendText = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $attributes = [] ]) : string
Used to produce
- $legendText : string = ''
The legend text
- $attributes : array<string|int, mixed> = []
Additional attributes
Return values
Fieldset Close Tag
form_fieldset_close([string $extra = '' ]) : string
- $extra : string = ''
Return values
Form Close Tag
form_close([string $extra = '' ]) : string
- $extra : string = ''
Return values
Form Value
set_value(string $field[, array<int, string>|string $default = '' ][, bool $htmlEscape = true ]) : array<int, string>|string
Grabs a value from the POST array for the specified field so you can re-populate an input field or textarea
- $field : string
Field name
- $default : array<int, string>|string = ''
Default value
- $htmlEscape : bool = true
Whether to escape HTML special characters or not
Return values
array<int, string>|stringset_select()
Set Select
set_select(string $field[, string $value = '' ][, bool $default = false ]) : string
Let's you set the selected value of a
- $field : string
- $value : string = ''
- $default : bool = false
Return values
Set Checkbox
set_checkbox(string $field[, string $value = '' ][, bool $default = false ]) : string
Let's you set the selected value of a checkbox via the value in the POST array.
- $field : string
- $value : string = ''
- $default : bool = false
Return values
Set Radio
set_radio(string $field[, string $value = '' ][, bool $default = false ]) : string
Let's you set the selected value of a radio field via info in the POST array.
- $field : string
- $value : string = ''
- $default : bool = false
Return values
Returns the validation errors.
validation_errors() : array<string, string>
First, checks the validation errors that are stored in the session.
To store the errors in the session, you need to use withInput()
with redirect()
The returned array should be in the following format: [ 'field1' => 'error message', 'field2' => 'error message', ]
Return values
array<string, string>validation_list_errors()
Returns the rendered HTML of the validation errors.
validation_list_errors([string $template = 'list' ]) : string
See Validation::listErrors()
- $template : string = 'list'
Return values
Returns a single error for the specified field in formatted HTML.
validation_show_error(string $field[, string $template = 'single' ]) : string
See Validation::showError()
- $field : string
- $template : string = 'single'
Return values
Unordered List
ul(array<string|int, mixed> $list[, array<string|int, mixed>|object|string $attributes = '' ]) : string
Generates an HTML unordered list from a single or multidimensional array.
- $list : array<string|int, mixed>
List entries
- $attributes : array<string|int, mixed>|object|string = ''
HTML attributes string, array, object
Return values
Ordered List
ol(array<string|int, mixed> $list[, array<string|int, mixed>|object|string $attributes = '' ]) : string
Generates an HTML ordered list from a single or multidimensional array.
- $list : array<string|int, mixed>
List entries
- $attributes : array<string|int, mixed>|object|string = ''
HTML attributes string, array, object
Return values
Generates the list
_list([string $type = 'ul' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $list = [] ][, array<string|int, mixed>|object|string $attributes = '' ][, int $depth = 0 ]) : string
Generates an HTML ordered list from a single or multidimensional array.
- $type : string = 'ul'
- $list : array<string|int, mixed> = []
List entries
- $attributes : array<string|int, mixed>|object|string = ''
HTML attributes string, array, object
- $depth : int = 0
Return values
img([array<string|int, mixed>|string $src = '' ][, bool $indexPage = false ][, array<string|int, mixed>|object|string $attributes = '' ]) : string
Generates an image element
- $src : array<string|int, mixed>|string = ''
Image source URI, or array of attributes and values
- $indexPage : bool = false
be added to the source path - $attributes : array<string|int, mixed>|object|string = ''
Additional HTML attributes
Return values
Image (data)
img_data(string $path[, string|null $mime = null ]) : string
Generates a src-ready string from an image using the "data:" protocol
- $path : string
Image source path
- $mime : string|null = null
MIME type to use, or null to guess
Return values
doctype([string $type = 'html5' ]) : string
Generates a page document type declaration
Examples of valid options: html5, xhtml-11, xhtml-strict, xhtml-trans, xhtml-frame, html4-strict, html4-trans, and html4-frame. All values are saved in the doctypes config file.
- $type : string = 'html5'
The doctype to be generated
Return values
script_tag([array<string|int, mixed>|string $src = '' ][, bool $indexPage = false ]) : string
Generates link to a JS file
- $src : array<string|int, mixed>|string = ''
Script source or an array of attributes
- $indexPage : bool = false
be added to the JS path
Return values
link_tag([array<string, bool|string>|string $href = '' ][, string $rel = 'stylesheet' ][, string $type = 'text/css' ][, string $title = '' ][, string $media = '' ][, bool $indexPage = false ][, string $hreflang = '' ]) : string
Generates link tag
- $href : array<string, bool|string>|string = ''
Stylesheet href or an array
- $rel : string = 'stylesheet'
- $type : string = 'text/css'
- $title : string = ''
- $media : string = ''
- $indexPage : bool = false
be added to the CSS path. - $hreflang : string = ''
Return values
video(array<string|int, mixed>|string $src[, string $unsupportedMessage = '' ][, string $attributes = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $tracks = [] ][, bool $indexPage = false ]) : string
Generates a video element to embed videos. The video element can contain one or more video sources
- $src : array<string|int, mixed>|string
Either a source string or an array of sources
- $unsupportedMessage : string = ''
The message to display if the media tag is not supported by the browser
- $attributes : string = ''
HTML attributes
- $tracks : array<string|int, mixed> = []
- $indexPage : bool = false
be added to the source path
Return values
audio(array<string|int, mixed>|string $src[, string $unsupportedMessage = '' ][, string $attributes = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $tracks = [] ][, bool $indexPage = false ]) : string
Generates an audio element to embed sounds
- $src : array<string|int, mixed>|string
Either a source string or an array of sources
- $unsupportedMessage : string = ''
The message to display if the media tag is not supported by the browser.
- $attributes : string = ''
HTML attributes
- $tracks : array<string|int, mixed> = []
- $indexPage : bool = false
be added to the source path
Return values
Generate media based tag
_media(string $name[, array<string|int, mixed> $types = [] ][, string $unsupportedMessage = '' ][, string $attributes = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $tracks = [] ]) : string
- $name : string
- $types : array<string|int, mixed> = []
- $unsupportedMessage : string = ''
The message to display if the media tag is not supported by the browser.
- $attributes : string = ''
- $tracks : array<string|int, mixed> = []
Return values
source(string $src[, string $type = 'unknown' ][, string $attributes = '' ][, bool $indexPage = false ]) : string
Generates a source element that specifies multiple media resources for either audio or video element
- $src : string
The path of the media resource
- $type : string = 'unknown'
The MIME-type of the resource with optional codecs parameters
- $attributes : string = ''
HTML attributes
- $indexPage : bool = false
be added to the source path
Return values
track(string $src, string $kind, string $srcLanguage, string $label) : string
Generates a track element to specify timed tracks. The tracks are formatted in WebVTT format.
- $src : string
The path of the .VTT file
- $kind : string
How the text track is meant to be used
- $srcLanguage : string
Language of the track text data
- $label : string
A user-readable title of the text track
Return values
object(string $data[, string $type = 'unknown' ][, string $attributes = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $params = [] ][, bool $indexPage = false ]) : string
Generates an object element that represents the media as either image or a resource plugin such as audio, video, Java applets, ActiveX, PDF and Flash
- $data : string
A resource URL
- $type : string = 'unknown'
Content-type of the resource
- $attributes : string = ''
HTML attributes
- $params : array<string|int, mixed> = []
- $indexPage : bool = false
be added to the data path
Return values
param(string $name, string $value[, string $type = 'ref' ][, string $attributes = '' ]) : string
Generates a param element that defines parameters for the object element.
- $name : string
The name of the parameter
- $value : string
The value of the parameter
- $type : string = 'ref'
The MIME-type
- $attributes : string = ''
HTML attributes
Return values
embed(string $src[, string $type = 'unknown' ][, string $attributes = '' ][, bool $indexPage = false ]) : string
Generates an embed element
- $src : string
The path of the resource to embed
- $type : string = 'unknown'
- $attributes : string = ''
HTML attributes
- $indexPage : bool = false
be added to the source path
Return values
Test the protocol of a URI.
_has_protocol(string $url) : false|int
- $url : string
Return values
Provide space indenting.
_space_indent([int $depth = 2 ]) : string
- $depth : int = 2
Return values
singular(string $string) : string
Takes a plural word and makes it singular
- $string : string
Input string
Return values
plural(string $string) : string
Takes a singular word and makes it plural
- $string : string
Input string
Return values
counted(int $count, string $string) : string
Takes a number and a word to return the plural or not E.g. 0 cats, 1 cat, 2 cats, ...
- $count : int
Number of items
- $string : string
Input string
Return values
camelize(string $string) : string
Takes multiple words separated by spaces or underscores and converts them to camel case.
- $string : string
Input string
Return values
pascalize(string $string) : string
Takes multiple words separated by spaces or underscores and converts them to Pascal case, which is camel case with an uppercase first letter.
- $string : string
Input string
Return values
underscore(string $string) : string
Takes multiple words separated by spaces and underscores them
- $string : string
Input string
Return values
decamelize(string $string) : string
Takes multiple words separated by camel case and underscores them.
- $string : string
Input string
Return values
humanize(string $string[, string $separator = '_' ]) : string
Takes multiple words separated by the separator, camelizes and changes them to spaces
- $string : string
Input string
- $separator : string = '_'
Input separator
Return values
Checks if the given word has a plural version.
is_pluralizable(string $word) : bool
- $word : string
Word to check
Return values
Replaces underscores with dashes in the string.
dasherize(string $string) : string
- $string : string
Input string
Return values
Returns the suffix that should be added to a number to denote the position in an ordered sequence such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th.
ordinal(int $integer) : string
- $integer : int
The integer to determine the suffix
Return values
Turns a number into an ordinal string used to denote the position in an ordered sequence such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th.
ordinalize(int $integer) : string
- $integer : int
The integer to ordinalize
Return values
dd function
dd(array<string|int, mixed> ...$vars) : int
- $vars : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
d function
d(array<string|int, mixed> ...$vars) : int
- $vars : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
trace function
trace() : int
Return values
Formats a numbers as bytes, based on size, and adds the appropriate suffix
number_to_size(int|string $num[, int $precision = 1 ][, non-empty-string|null $locale = null ]) : bool|string
- $num : int|string
Will be cast as int
- $precision : int = 1
- $locale : non-empty-string|null = null
Return values
Converts numbers to a more readable representation when dealing with very large numbers (in the thousands or above), up to the quadrillions, because you won't often deal with numbers larger than that.
number_to_amount(int|string $num[, int $precision = 0 ][, non-empty-string|null $locale = null ]) : bool|string
It uses the "short form" numbering system as this is most commonly used within most English-speaking countries today.
- $num : int|string
Will be cast as int
- $precision : int = 0
[optional] The optional number of decimal digits to round to.
- $locale : non-empty-string|null = null
Return values
number_to_currency(float $num, string $currency[, string|null $locale = null ][, int $fraction = 0 ]) : string
- $num : float
- $currency : string
- $locale : string|null = null
- $fraction : int = 0
Return values
A general purpose, locale-aware, number_format method.
format_number(float $num[, int $precision = 1 ][, string|null $locale = null ][, array<string|int, mixed> $options = [] ]) : string
Used by all of the functions of the number_helper.
- $num : float
- $precision : int = 1
- $locale : string|null = null
- $options : array<string|int, mixed> = []
Return values
Convert a number to a roman numeral.
number_to_roman(int|string $num) : string|null
- $num : int|string
it will convert to int
Return values
Sanitize a filename to use in a URI.
sanitize_filename(string $filename) : string
- $filename : string
Return values
Strip Image Tags
strip_image_tags(string $str) : string
- $str : string
Return values
Convert PHP tags to entities
encode_php_tags(string $str) : string
- $str : string
Return values
Creates a single item using Fabricator.
fake(Model|object|string $model[, array<string|int, mixed>|null $overrides = null ][, bool $persist = true ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|object
- $model : Model|object|string
Instance or name of the model
- $overrides : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null
Overriding data to pass to Fabricator::setOverrides()
- $persist : bool = true
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|objectmock()
Used within our test suite to mock certain system tools.
mock(string $className) : object
- $className : string
Fully qualified class name
Return values
Word Limiter
word_limiter(string $str[, int $limit = 100 ][, string $endChar = '…' ]) : string
Limits a string to X number of words.
- $str : string
- $limit : int = 100
- $endChar : string = '…'
the end character. Usually an ellipsis
Return values
Character Limiter
character_limiter(string $string[, int $limit = 500 ][, string $endChar = '…' ]) : string
Limits the string based on the character count. Preserves complete words so the character count may not be exactly as specified.
- $string : string
- $limit : int = 500
- $endChar : string = '…'
the end character. Usually an ellipsis
Return values
High ASCII to Entities
ascii_to_entities(string $str) : string
Converts high ASCII text and MS Word special characters to character entities
- $str : string
Return values
Entities to ASCII
entities_to_ascii(string $str[, bool $all = true ]) : string
Converts character entities back to ASCII
- $str : string
- $all : bool = true
Return values
Word Censoring Function
word_censor(string $str, array<string|int, mixed> $censored[, string $replacement = '' ]) : string
Supply a string and an array of disallowed words and any matched words will be converted to #### or to the replacement word you've submitted.
- $str : string
the text string
- $censored : array<string|int, mixed>
the array of censored words
- $replacement : string = ''
the optional replacement value
Return values
Code Highlighter
highlight_code(string $str) : string
Colorizes code strings
- $str : string
the text string
Return values
Phrase Highlighter
highlight_phrase(string $str, string $phrase[, string $tagOpen = '<mark>' ][, string $tagClose = '</mark>' ]) : string
Highlights a phrase within a text string
- $str : string
the text string
- $phrase : string
the phrase you'd like to highlight
- $tagOpen : string = '<mark>'
the opening tag to precede the phrase with
- $tagClose : string = '</mark>'
the closing tag to end the phrase with
Return values
Convert Accented Foreign Characters to ASCII
convert_accented_characters(string $str) : string
- $str : string
Input string
Return values
Word Wrap
word_wrap(string $str[, int $charlim = 76 ]) : string
Wraps text at the specified character. Maintains the integrity of words. Anything placed between {unwrap}{/unwrap} will not be word wrapped, nor will URLs.
- $str : string
the text string
- $charlim : int = 76
= 76 the number of characters to wrap at
Return values
Ellipsize String
ellipsize(string $str, int $maxLength[, float|int $position = 1 ][, string $ellipsis = '…' ]) : string
This function will strip tags from a string, split it at its max_length and ellipsize
- $str : string
String to ellipsize
- $maxLength : int
Max length of string
- $position : float|int = 1
int (1|0) or float, .5, .2, etc for position to split
- $ellipsis : string = '…'
ellipsis ; Default '...'
Return values
string —Ellipsized string
Strip Slashes
strip_slashes(array<string|int, mixed>|string $str) : array<string|int, mixed>|string
Removes slashes contained in a string or in an array
- $str : array<string|int, mixed>|string
string or array
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|string —string or array
Strip Quotes
strip_quotes(string $str) : string
Removes single and double quotes from a string
- $str : string
Return values
Quotes to Entities
quotes_to_entities(string $str) : string
Converts single and double quotes to entities
- $str : string
Return values
Reduce Double Slashes
reduce_double_slashes(string $str) : string
Converts double slashes in a string to a single slash, except those found in http://
- $str : string
Return values
Reduce Multiples
reduce_multiples(string $str[, string $character = ',' ][, bool $trim = false ]) : string
Reduces multiple instances of a particular character. Example:
Fred, Bill,, Joe, Jimmy
Fred, Bill, Joe, Jimmy
- $str : string
- $character : string = ','
the character you wish to reduce
- $trim : bool = false
TRUE/FALSE - whether to trim the character from the beginning/end
Return values
Create a Random String
The type 'basic', 'md5', and 'sha1' are deprecated. They are not cryptographically secure.
random_string([string $type = 'alnum' ][, int $len = 8 ]) : string
Useful for generating passwords or hashes.
- $type : string = 'alnum'
Type of random string. basic, alpha, alnum, numeric, nozero, md5, sha1, and crypto
- $len : int = 8
Number of characters
Return values
Add's _1 to a string or increment the ending number to allow _2, _3, etc
increment_string(string $str[, string $separator = '_' ][, int $first = 1 ]) : string
- $str : string
- $separator : string = '_'
What should the duplicate number be appended with
- $first : int = 1
Which number should be used for the first dupe increment
Return values
alternator(string ...$args) : string
Allows strings to be alternated. See docs...
- $args : string
(as many parameters as needed)
Return values
excerpt(string $text[, string $phrase = null ][, int $radius = 100 ][, string $ellipsis = '...' ]) : string
Allows to extract a piece of text surrounding a word or phrase.
- $text : string
String to search the phrase
- $phrase : string = null
Phrase that will be searched for.
- $radius : int = 100
The amount of characters returned around the phrase.
- $ellipsis : string = '...'
Ending that will be appended
If no $phrase is passed, will generate an excerpt of $radius characters from the beginning of $text.
Return values
Returns a site URL as defined by the App config.
site_url([array<string|int, mixed>|string $relativePath = '' ][, string|null $scheme = null ][, App|null $config = null ]) : string
- $relativePath : array<string|int, mixed>|string = ''
URI string or array of URI segments.
- $scheme : string|null = null
URI scheme. E.g., http, ftp. If empty string '' is set, a protocol-relative link is returned.
- $config : App|null = null
Alternate configuration to use.
Return values
Returns the base URL as defined by the App config.
base_url([array<string|int, mixed>|string $relativePath = '' ][, string|null $scheme = null ]) : string
Base URLs are trimmed site URLs without the index page.
- $relativePath : array<string|int, mixed>|string = ''
URI string or array of URI segments.
- $scheme : string|null = null
URI scheme. E.g., http, ftp. If empty string '' is set, a protocol-relative link is returned.
Return values
Returns the current full URL based on the Config\App settings and IncomingRequest.
current_url([bool $returnObject = false ][, IncomingRequest|null $request = null ]) : string|URI
- $returnObject : bool = false
True to return an object instead of a string
- $request : IncomingRequest|null = null
A request to use when retrieving the path
Return values
string|URI —When returning string, the query and fragment parts are removed. When returning URI, the query and fragment parts are preserved.
Returns the previous URL the current visitor was on. For security reasons we first check in a saved session variable, if it exists, and use that.
previous_url([bool $returnObject = false ]) : string|URI
If that's not available, however, we'll use a sanitized url from $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] which can be set by the user so is untrusted and not set by certain browsers/servers.
- $returnObject : bool = false
Return values
URL String
uri_string() : string
Returns the path part (relative to baseURL) of the current URL
Return values
Index page
index_page([App|null $altConfig = null ]) : string
Returns the "index_page" from your config file
- $altConfig : App|null = null
Alternate configuration to use
Return values
Anchor Link
anchor([array<string|int, mixed>|string $uri = '' ][, string $title = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed>|object|string $attributes = '' ][, App|null $altConfig = null ]) : string
Creates an anchor based on the local URL.
- $uri : array<string|int, mixed>|string = ''
URI string or array of URI segments
- $title : string = ''
The link title
- $attributes : array<string|int, mixed>|object|string = ''
Any attributes
- $altConfig : App|null = null
Alternate configuration to use
Return values
Anchor Link - Pop-up version
anchor_popup([string $uri = '' ][, string $title = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed>|false|object|string $attributes = false ][, App|null $altConfig = null ]) : string
Creates an anchor based on the local URL. The link opens a new window based on the attributes specified.
- $uri : string = ''
the URL
- $title : string = ''
the link title
- $attributes : array<string|int, mixed>|false|object|string = false
any attributes
- $altConfig : App|null = null
Alternate configuration to use
Return values
Mailto Link
mailto(string $email[, string $title = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed>|object|string $attributes = '' ]) : string
- $email : string
the email address
- $title : string = ''
the link title
- $attributes : array<string|int, mixed>|object|string = ''
any attributes
Return values
Encoded Mailto Link
safe_mailto(string $email[, string $title = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed>|object|string $attributes = '' ]) : string
Create a spam-protected mailto link written in Javascript
- $email : string
the email address
- $title : string = ''
the link title
- $attributes : array<string|int, mixed>|object|string = ''
any attributes
Return values
auto_link(string $str[, string $type = 'both' ][, bool $popup = false ]) : string
Automatically links URL and Email addresses. Note: There's a bit of extra code here to deal with URLs or emails that end in a period. We'll strip these off and add them after the link.
- $str : string
the string
- $type : string = 'both'
the type: email, url, or both
- $popup : bool = false
whether to create pop-up links
Return values
Prep URL - Simply adds the http:// or https:// part if no scheme is included.
prep_url([string $str = '' ][, bool $secure = false ]) : string
Formerly used URI, but that does not play nicely with URIs missing the scheme.
- $str : string = ''
the URL
- $secure : bool = false
set true if you want to force https://
Return values
Create URL Title
url_title(string $str[, string $separator = '-' ][, bool $lowercase = false ]) : string
Takes a "title" string as input and creates a human-friendly URL string with a "separator" string as the word separator.
- $str : string
Input string
- $separator : string = '-'
Word separator (usually '-' or '_')
- $lowercase : bool = false
Whether to transform the output string to lowercase
Return values
Create URL Title that takes into account accented characters
mb_url_title(string $str[, string $separator = '-' ][, bool $lowercase = false ]) : string
Takes a "title" string as input and creates a human-friendly URL string with a "separator" string as the word separator.
- $str : string
Input string
- $separator : string = '-'
Word separator (usually '-' or '_')
- $lowercase : bool = false
Whether to transform the output string to lowercase
Return values
Get the full, absolute URL to a route name or controller method (with additional arguments)
url_to(string $controller, int|string ...$args) : string
NOTE: This requires the controller/method to have a route defined in the routes Config file.
- $controller : string
Route name or Controller::method
- $args : int|string
One or more parameters to be passed to the route. The last parameter allows you to set the locale.
Return values
Determines if current url path contains the given path. It may contain a wildcard (*) which will allow any valid character.
url_is(string $path) : bool
Example: if (url_is('admin*')) ...
- $path : string
Return values
Convert Reserved XML characters to Entities
xml_convert(string $str[, bool $protectAll = false ]) : string
- $str : string
- $protectAll : bool = false
Return values
is_cli([bool $newReturn = null ]) : bool
Test to see if a request was made from the command line. You can set the return value for testing.
- $newReturn : bool = null
return value to set