Table of Contents
- ExceptionInterface
- Provides a domain-level interface for broad capture of all framework-related exceptions.
- HasExitCodeInterface
- Interface for Exceptions that has exception code as exit code.
- HTTPExceptionInterface
- Interface for Exceptions that has exception code as HTTP status code.
- BadFunctionCallException
- Exception thrown if a function is called in the wrong way, or the function does not exist.
- BadMethodCallException
- Exception thrown if a method is called in the wrong way, or the method does not exist.
- ConfigException
- Exception thrown if the value of the Config class is invalid or the type is incorrect.
- CriticalError
- Error: Critical conditions, like component unavailable, etc.
- DownloadException
- Class DownloadException
- FrameworkException
- Class FrameworkException
- InvalidArgumentException
- Exception thrown if an argument is not of the expected type.
- LogicException
- Exception that represents error in the program logic.
- ModelException
- Model Exceptions.
- PageNotFoundException
- Exception thrown if an error which can only be found on runtime occurs.
- RuntimeException
- Exception thrown if an error which can only be found on runtime occurs.
- TestException
- Exception thrown when there is an error with the test code.
- DebugTraceableTrait
- This trait provides framework exceptions the ability to pinpoint accurately where the exception was raised rather than instantiated.