This file is part of CodeIgniter 4 framework.
(c) CodeIgniter Foundation
For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code.
Table of Contents
- app_timezone() : string
- Returns the timezone the application has been set to display dates in. This might be different than the timezone set at the server level, as you often want to stores dates in UTC and convert them on the fly for the user.
- cache() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool|CacheInterface|float|int|object|string|null
- A convenience method that provides access to the Cache object. If no parameter is provided, will return the object, otherwise, will attempt to return the cached value.
- clean_path() : string
- A convenience method to clean paths for a nicer looking output. Useful for exception handling, error logging, etc.
- command() : false|string
- Runs a single command.
- config() : ConfigTemplate|null
- More simple way of getting config instances from Factories
- cookie() : Cookie
- Simpler way to create a new Cookie instance.
- cookies() : CookieStore
- Fetches the global `CookieStore` instance held by `Response`.
- csrf_token() : string
- Returns the CSRF token name.
- csrf_header() : string
- Returns the CSRF header name.
- csrf_hash() : string
- Returns the current hash value for the CSRF protection.
- csrf_field() : string
- Generates a hidden input field for use within manually generated forms.
- csrf_meta() : string
- Generates a meta tag for use within javascript calls.
- csp_style_nonce() : string
- Generates a nonce attribute for style tag.
- csp_script_nonce() : string
- Generates a nonce attribute for script tag.
- db_connect() : BaseConnection
- Grabs a database connection and returns it to the user.
- env() : array<int|string, mixed>|bool|float|int|object|string|null
- Allows user to retrieve values from the environment variables that have been set. Especially useful for retrieving values set from the .env file for use in config files.
- esc() : array<string|int, mixed>|string
- Performs simple auto-escaping of data for security reasons.
- force_https() : void
- Used to force a page to be accessed in via HTTPS.
- function_usable() : bool
- Function usable
- helper() : void
- Loads a helper file into memory. Supports namespaced helpers, both in and out of the 'Helpers' directory of a namespaced directory.
- is_cli() : bool
- Check if PHP was invoked from the command line.
- is_really_writable() : bool
- Tests for file writability
- is_windows() : bool
- Detect if platform is running in Windows.
- lang() : array<int, string>|string
- A convenience method to translate a string or array of them and format the result with the intl extension's MessageFormatter.
- log_message() : void
- A convenience/compatibility method for logging events through the Log system.
- model() : ModelTemplate|null
- More simple way of getting model instances from Factories
- old() : array<string|int, mixed>|string|null
- Provides access to "old input" that was set in the session during a redirect()->withInput().
- redirect() : RedirectResponse
- Convenience method that works with the current global $request and $router instances to redirect using named/reverse-routed routes to determine the URL to go to.
- remove_invisible_characters() : string
- Remove Invisible Characters
- request() : CLIRequest|IncomingRequest
- Returns the shared Request.
- response() : ResponseInterface
- Returns the shared Response.
- route_to() : false|string
- Given a route name or controller/method string and any params, will attempt to build the relative URL to the matching route.
- session() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool|float|int|object|Session|string|null
- A convenience method for accessing the session instance, or an item that has been set in the session.
- service() : object|null
- Allows cleaner access to the Services Config file.
- single_service() : object|null
- Always returns a new instance of the class.
- slash_item() : string|null
- Fetch a config file item with slash appended (if not empty)
- stringify_attributes() : string
- Stringify attributes for use in HTML tags.
- timer() : mixed|Timer
- A convenience method for working with the timer.
- view() : string
- Grabs the current RendererInterface-compatible class and tells it to render the specified view. Simply provides a convenience method that can be used in Controllers, libraries, and routed closures.
- view_cell() : string
- View cells are used within views to insert HTML chunks that are managed by other classes.
- class_basename() : string
- Get the class "basename" of the given object / class.
- class_uses_recursive() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns all traits used by a class, its parent classes and trait of their traits.
- trait_uses_recursive() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns all traits used by a trait and its traits.
Returns the timezone the application has been set to display dates in. This might be different than the timezone set at the server level, as you often want to stores dates in UTC and convert them on the fly for the user.
app_timezone() : string
Return values
A convenience method that provides access to the Cache object. If no parameter is provided, will return the object, otherwise, will attempt to return the cached value.
cache([string|null $key = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool|CacheInterface|float|int|object|string|null
Examples: cache()->save('foo', 'bar'); $foo = cache('bar');
- $key : string|null = null
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool|CacheInterface|float|int|object|string|nullclean_path()
A convenience method to clean paths for a nicer looking output. Useful for exception handling, error logging, etc.
clean_path(string $path) : string
- $path : string
Return values
Runs a single command.
command(string $command) : false|string
Input expected in a single string as would be used on the command line itself:
command('migrate:create SomeMigration');
- $command : string
Return values
More simple way of getting config instances from Factories
config(ConfigTemplate>|string $name[, bool $getShared = true ]) : ConfigTemplate|null
- $name : ConfigTemplate>|string
- $getShared : bool = true
Return values
Simpler way to create a new Cookie instance.
cookie(string $name[, string $value = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $options = [] ]) : Cookie
- $name : string
Name of the cookie
- $value : string = ''
Value of the cookie
- $options : array<string|int, mixed> = []
Array of options to be passed to the cookie
Return values
Fetches the global `CookieStore` instance held by `Response`.
cookies([array<int, Cookie> $cookies = [] ][, bool $getGlobal = true ]) : CookieStore
- $cookies : array<int, Cookie> = []
is false, this is passed to CookieStore's constructor - $getGlobal : bool = true
If false, creates a new instance of CookieStore
Return values
Returns the CSRF token name.
csrf_token() : string
Can be used in Views when building hidden inputs manually, or used in javascript vars when using APIs.
Return values
Returns the CSRF header name.
csrf_header() : string
Can be used in Views by adding it to the meta tag or used in javascript to define a header name when using APIs.
Return values
Returns the current hash value for the CSRF protection.
csrf_hash() : string
Can be used in Views when building hidden inputs manually, or used in javascript vars for API usage.
Return values
Generates a hidden input field for use within manually generated forms.
csrf_field([non-empty-string|null $id = null ]) : string
- $id : non-empty-string|null = null
Return values
Generates a meta tag for use within javascript calls.
csrf_meta([non-empty-string|null $id = null ]) : string
- $id : non-empty-string|null = null
Return values
Generates a nonce attribute for style tag.
csp_style_nonce() : string
Return values
Generates a nonce attribute for script tag.
csp_script_nonce() : string
Return values
Grabs a database connection and returns it to the user.
db_connect([array<string|int, mixed>|ConnectionInterface|string|null $db = null ][, bool $getShared = true ]) : BaseConnection
This is a convenience wrapper for \Config\Database::connect() and supports the same parameters. Namely:
When passing in $db, you may pass any of the following to connect:
- group name
- existing connection instance
- array of database configuration values
If $getShared === false then a new connection instance will be provided, otherwise it will all calls will return the same instance.
- $db : array<string|int, mixed>|ConnectionInterface|string|null = null
- $getShared : bool = true
Return values
Allows user to retrieve values from the environment variables that have been set. Especially useful for retrieving values set from the .env file for use in config files.
env(string $key[, array<int|string, mixed>|bool|float|int|object|string|null $default = null ]) : array<int|string, mixed>|bool|float|int|object|string|null
- $key : string
- $default : array<int|string, mixed>|bool|float|int|object|string|null = null
Return values
array<int|string, mixed>|bool|float|int|object|string|nullesc()
Performs simple auto-escaping of data for security reasons.
esc(array<string|int, mixed>|string $data[, string $context = 'html' ][, string|null $encoding = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|string
Might consider making this more complex at a later date.
If $data is a string, then it simply escapes and returns it. If $data is an array, then it loops over it, escaping each 'value' of the key/value pairs.
- $data : array<string|int, mixed>|string
- $context : string = 'html'
- $encoding : string|null = null
Current encoding for escaping. If not UTF-8, we convert strings from this encoding pre-escaping and back to this encoding post-escaping.
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|stringforce_https()
Used to force a page to be accessed in via HTTPS.
force_https([int $duration = 31536000 ][, RequestInterface|null $request = null ][, ResponseInterface|null $response = null ]) : void
Uses a standard redirect, plus will set the HSTS header for modern browsers that support, which gives best protection against man-in-the-middle attacks.
- $duration : int = 31536000
How long should the SSL header be set for? (in seconds) Defaults to 1 year.
- $request : RequestInterface|null = null
- $response : ResponseInterface|null = null
Function usable
function_usable(string $functionName) : bool
Executes a function_exists() check, and if the Suhosin PHP extension is loaded - checks whether the function that is checked might be disabled in there as well.
This is useful as function_exists() will return FALSE for functions disabled via the disable_functions php.ini setting, but not for suhosin.executor.func.blacklist and suhosin.executor.disable_eval. These settings will just terminate script execution if a disabled function is executed.
The above described behavior turned out to be a bug in Suhosin, but even though a fix was committed for 0.9.34 on 2012-02-12, that version is yet to be released. This function will therefore be just temporary, but would probably be kept for a few years.
- $functionName : string
Function to check for
Return values
bool —TRUE if the function exists and is safe to call, FALSE otherwise.
Loads a helper file into memory. Supports namespaced helpers, both in and out of the 'Helpers' directory of a namespaced directory.
helper(array<string|int, mixed>|string $filenames) : void
Will load ALL helpers of the matching name, in the following order:
- app/Helpers
- {namespace}/Helpers
- system/Helpers
- $filenames : array<string|int, mixed>|string
Check if PHP was invoked from the command line.
is_cli() : bool
Return values
Tests for file writability
is_really_writable(string $file) : bool
is_writable() returns TRUE on Windows servers when you really can't write to the file, based on the read-only attribute. is_writable() is also unreliable on Unix servers if safe_mode is on.
- $file : string
Return values
Detect if platform is running in Windows.
is_windows([bool|null $mock = null ]) : bool
- $mock : bool|null = null
Return values
A convenience method to translate a string or array of them and format the result with the intl extension's MessageFormatter.
lang(string $line[, array<string|int, mixed> $args = [] ][, string|null $locale = null ]) : array<int, string>|string
- $line : string
- $args : array<string|int, mixed> = []
- $locale : string|null = null
Return values
array<int, string>|stringlog_message()
A convenience/compatibility method for logging events through the Log system.
log_message(string $level, string $message[, array<string|int, mixed> $context = [] ]) : void
Allowed log levels are:
- emergency
- alert
- critical
- error
- warning
- notice
- info
- debug
- $level : string
- $message : string
- $context : array<string|int, mixed> = []
More simple way of getting model instances from Factories
model(ModelTemplate>|string $name[, bool $getShared = true ][, ConnectionInterface|null &$conn = null ]) : ModelTemplate|null
- $name : ModelTemplate>|string
- $getShared : bool = true
- $conn : ConnectionInterface|null = null
Return values
Provides access to "old input" that was set in the session during a redirect()->withInput().
old(string $key[, string|null $default = null ][, false|string $escape = 'html' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|string|null
- $key : string
- $default : string|null = null
- $escape : false|string = 'html'
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|string|nullredirect()
Convenience method that works with the current global $request and $router instances to redirect using named/reverse-routed routes to determine the URL to go to.
redirect([non-empty-string|null $route = null ]) : RedirectResponse
If more control is needed, you must use $response->redirect explicitly.
- $route : non-empty-string|null = null
Route name or Controller::method
Return values
Remove Invisible Characters
remove_invisible_characters(string $str[, bool $urlEncoded = true ]) : string
This prevents sandwiching null characters between ascii characters, like Java\0script.
- $str : string
- $urlEncoded : bool = true
Return values
Returns the shared Request.
request() : CLIRequest|IncomingRequest
Return values
Returns the shared Response.
response() : ResponseInterface
Return values
Given a route name or controller/method string and any params, will attempt to build the relative URL to the matching route.
route_to(string $method, int|string ...$params) : false|string
NOTE: This requires the controller/method to have a route defined in the routes Config file.
- $method : string
Route name or Controller::method
- $params : int|string
One or more parameters to be passed to the route. The last parameter allows you to set the locale.
Return values
false|string —The route (URI path relative to baseURL) or false if not found.
A convenience method for accessing the session instance, or an item that has been set in the session.
session([string|null $val = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool|float|int|object|Session|string|null
Examples: session()->set('foo', 'bar'); $foo = session('bar');
- $val : string|null = null
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool|float|int|object|Session|string|nullservice()
Allows cleaner access to the Services Config file.
service(string $name, array<string|int, mixed>|bool|float|int|object|string|null ...$params) : object|null
Always returns a SHARED instance of the class, so calling the function multiple times should always return the same instance.
These are equal:
- $timer = service('timer')
- $timer = \CodeIgniter\Config\Services::timer();
- $name : string
- $params : array<string|int, mixed>|bool|float|int|object|string|null
Return values
Always returns a new instance of the class.
single_service(string $name, array<string|int, mixed>|bool|float|int|object|string|null ...$params) : object|null
- $name : string
- $params : array<string|int, mixed>|bool|float|int|object|string|null
Return values
Fetch a config file item with slash appended (if not empty)
slash_item(string $item) : string|null
- $item : string
Config item name
Return values
string|null —The configuration item or NULL if the item doesn't exist
Stringify attributes for use in HTML tags.
stringify_attributes(array<string|int, mixed>|object|string $attributes[, bool $js = false ]) : string
Helper function used to convert a string, array, or object of attributes to a string.
- $attributes : array<string|int, mixed>|object|string
string, array, object that can be cast to array
- $js : bool = false
Return values
A convenience method for working with the timer.
timer([non-empty-string|null $name = null ][, callable(): mixed|null $callable = null ]) : mixed|Timer
If no parameter is passed, it will return the timer instance. If callable is passed, it measures time of callable and returns its return value if any. Otherwise will start or stop the timer intelligently.
- $name : non-empty-string|null = null
- $callable : callable(): mixed|null = null
Return values
Grabs the current RendererInterface-compatible class and tells it to render the specified view. Simply provides a convenience method that can be used in Controllers, libraries, and routed closures.
view(string $name[, array<string|int, mixed> $data = [] ][, array<string|int, mixed> $options = [] ]) : string
NOTE: Does not provide any escaping of the data, so that must all be handled manually by the developer.
- $name : string
- $data : array<string|int, mixed> = []
- $options : array<string|int, mixed> = []
Options for saveData or third-party extensions.
Return values
View cells are used within views to insert HTML chunks that are managed by other classes.
view_cell(string $library[, array<string|int, mixed>|string|null $params = null ][, int $ttl = 0 ][, string|null $cacheName = null ]) : string
- $library : string
- $params : array<string|int, mixed>|string|null = null
- $ttl : int = 0
- $cacheName : string|null = null
Return values
Get the class "basename" of the given object / class.
class_basename(object|string $class) : string
- $class : object|string
Return values
Returns all traits used by a class, its parent classes and trait of their traits.
class_uses_recursive(object|string $class) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $class : object|string
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>trait_uses_recursive()
Returns all traits used by a trait and its traits.
trait_uses_recursive(string $trait) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $trait : string