CodeIgniter v4.6 API

in package
implements SessionHandlerInterface uses LoggerAwareTrait


Base class for session handling

Table of Contents




$cookieDomain  : string
Cookie domain
$cookieName  : string
Cookie name to use
$cookiePath  : string
Cookie path
$cookiePrefix  : string
Cookie prefix
$cookieSecure  : bool
Cookie secure?
$fingerprint  : string
The Data fingerprint.
$ipAddress  : string
User's IP address.
$lock  : bool|string
Lock placeholder.
$matchIP  : bool
Match IP addresses for cookies?
$savePath  : array<string|int, mixed>|string
The 'save path' for the session varies between
$sessionID  : string|null
Current session ID


__construct()  : mixed
destroyCookie()  : bool
Internal method to force removal of a cookie by the client when session_destroy() is called.
fail()  : bool
Drivers other than the 'files' one don't (need to) use the session.save_path INI setting, but that leads to confusing error messages emitted by PHP when open() or write() fail, as the message contains session.save_path ... To work around the problem, the drivers will call this method so that the INI is set just in time for the error message to be properly generated.
lockSession()  : bool
A dummy method allowing drivers with no locking functionality (databases other than PostgreSQL and MySQL) to act as if they do acquire a lock.
releaseLock()  : bool
Releases the lock, if any.



Cookie domain

protected string $cookieDomain = ''


Cookie name to use

protected string $cookieName


Cookie path

protected string $cookiePath = '/'


Cookie prefix

protected string $cookiePrefix = ''

The Config\Cookie::$prefix setting is completely ignored. See


Cookie secure?

protected bool $cookieSecure = false


The Data fingerprint.

protected string $fingerprint


User's IP address.

protected string $ipAddress


Lock placeholder.

protected bool|string $lock = false


Match IP addresses for cookies?

protected bool $matchIP = false


The 'save path' for the session varies between

protected array<string|int, mixed>|string $savePath


Current session ID

protected string|null $sessionID



public __construct(Session $config, string $ipAddress) : mixed
$config : Session
$ipAddress : string


Internal method to force removal of a cookie by the client when session_destroy() is called.

protected destroyCookie() : bool
Return values


Drivers other than the 'files' one don't (need to) use the session.save_path INI setting, but that leads to confusing error messages emitted by PHP when open() or write() fail, as the message contains session.save_path ... To work around the problem, the drivers will call this method so that the INI is set just in time for the error message to be properly generated.

protected fail() : bool
Return values


A dummy method allowing drivers with no locking functionality (databases other than PostgreSQL and MySQL) to act as if they do acquire a lock.

protected lockSession(string $sessionID) : bool
$sessionID : string
Return values


Releases the lock, if any.

protected releaseLock() : bool
Return values

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