CodeIgniter v4.6 API

in package
implements RouteCollectionInterface


Implement nested resource routing (See CakePHP)


Table of Contents


Interface RouteCollectionInterface


$defaultHTTPMethods  : array<int, string>
The default list of HTTP methods (and CLI for command line usage) that is allowed if no other method is provided.
$autoRoute  : bool
Whether to match URI against Controllers when it doesn't match defined routes.
$currentOptions  : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Stores copy of current options being applied during creation.
$currentSubdomain  : string|null
The current subdomain.
$defaultController  : string
The name of the default controller to use when no other controller is specified.
$defaultMethod  : string
The name of the default method to use when no other method has been specified.
$defaultNamespace  : string
The namespace to be added to any Controllers.
$defaultPlaceholder  : string
The placeholder used when routing 'resources' when no other placeholder has been specified.
$didDiscover  : bool
A little performance booster.
$fileLocator  : FileLocatorInterface
Handle to the file locator to use.
$group  : string|null
The name of the current group, if any.
$HTTPVerb  : string
The current method that the script is being called by.
$moduleConfig  : Modules
Handle to the modules config.
$override404  : callable(string): Array|string
A callable that will be shown when the route cannot be matched.
$placeholders  : array<string, string>
Defined placeholders that can be used within the
$prioritize  : bool
Flag for sorting routes by priority.
$prioritizeDetected  : bool
Route priority detection flag.
$routeFiles  : array<string|int, mixed>
An array of files that would contain route definitions.
$routes  : array<string|int, mixed>
An array of all routes and their mappings.
$routesNames  : array<string|int, mixed>
Array of routes names
$routesOptions  : array<string|int, mixed>
Array of routes options
$translateURIDashes  : bool
Whether to convert dashes to underscores in URI.
$useSupportedLocalesOnly  : bool
Flag to limit or not the routes with {locale} placeholder to App::$supportedLocales
$httpHost  : string|null
The current hostname from $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']


__construct()  : mixed
add()  : RouteCollectionInterface
Adds a single route to the collection.
addPlaceholder()  : RouteCollectionInterface
Registers a new constraint with the system. Constraints are used by the routes as placeholders for regular expressions to make defining the routes more human-friendly.
addRedirect()  : RouteCollection
Adds a temporary redirect from one route to another. Used for redirecting traffic from old, non-existing routes to the new moved routes.
cli()  : RouteCollectionInterface
Specifies a route that is only available to command-line requests.
delete()  : RouteCollectionInterface
Specifies a route that is only available to DELETE requests.
environment()  : RouteCollectionInterface
Limits the routes to a specified ENVIRONMENT or they won't run.
get()  : RouteCollectionInterface
Specifies a route that is only available to GET requests.
get404Override()  : callable(string): Array|string|null
Returns the 404 Override setting, which can be null, a closure or the controller/string.
getDefaultController()  : string
Returns the name of the default controller. With Namespace.
getDefaultMethod()  : string
Returns the name of the default method to use within the controller.
getDefaultNamespace()  : string
Returns the default namespace as set in the Routes config file.
getFiltersForRoute()  : array<int, string>
Returns the filters that should be applied for a single route, along with any parameters it might have. Parameters are found by splitting the parameter name on a colon to separate the filter name from the parameter list, and the splitting the result on commas. So:
getHTTPVerb()  : string
Returns the current HTTP Verb being used.
getRedirectCode()  : int
Grabs the HTTP status code from a redirecting Route.
getRegisteredControllers()  : array<int, string>
Get all controllers in Route Handlers
getRoutes()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns the raw array of available routes.
getRoutesOptions()  : array<string, int|string>
Returns one or all routes options
group()  : void
Group a series of routes under a single URL segment. This is handy for grouping items into an admin area, like:
head()  : RouteCollectionInterface
Specifies a route that is only available to HEAD requests.
isFiltered()  : bool
Checks a route (using the "from") to see if it's filtered or not.
isRedirect()  : bool
Determines if the route is a redirecting route.
loadRoutes()  : $this
Loads main routes file and discover routes.
map()  : RouteCollectionInterface
A shortcut method to add a number of routes at a single time.
match()  : RouteCollectionInterface
Specifies a single route to match for multiple HTTP Verbs.
options()  : RouteCollectionInterface
Specifies a route that is only available to OPTIONS requests.
patch()  : RouteCollectionInterface
Specifies a route that is only available to PATCH requests.
post()  : RouteCollectionInterface
Specifies a route that is only available to POST requests.
presenter()  : RouteCollectionInterface
Creates a collections of HTTP-verb based routes for a presenter controller.
put()  : RouteCollectionInterface
Specifies a route that is only available to PUT requests.
resetRoutes()  : void
Reset the routes, so that a test case can provide the explicit ones needed for it.
resource()  : RouteCollectionInterface
Creates a collections of HTTP-verb based routes for a controller.
reverseRoute()  : false|string
Attempts to look up a route based on its destination.
set404Override()  : RouteCollectionInterface
Sets the class/method that should be called if routing doesn't find a match. It can be either a closure or the controller/method name exactly like a route is defined: Users::index
setAutoRoute()  : RouteCollectionInterface
If TRUE, the system will attempt to match the URI against Controllers by matching each segment against folders/files in APPPATH/Controllers, when a match wasn't found against defined routes.
setDefaultConstraint()  : RouteCollectionInterface
Sets the default constraint to be used in the system. Typically for use with the 'resource' method.
setDefaultController()  : RouteCollectionInterface
Sets the default controller to use when no other controller has been specified.
setDefaultMethod()  : RouteCollectionInterface
Sets the default method to call on the controller when no other method has been set in the route.
setDefaultNamespace()  : RouteCollectionInterface
Sets the default namespace to use for Controllers when no other namespace has been specified.
setHTTPVerb()  : $this
Sets the current HTTP verb.
setPrioritize()  : $this
Enable or Disable sorting routes by priority
setTranslateURIDashes()  : RouteCollectionInterface
Tells the system whether to convert dashes in URI strings into underscores. In some search engines, including Google, dashes create more meaning and make it easier for the search engine to find words and meaning in the URI for better SEO. But it doesn't work well with PHP method names.
shouldAutoRoute()  : bool
Returns the flag that tells whether to autoRoute URI against Controllers.
shouldTranslateURIDashes()  : bool
Returns the current value of the translateURIDashes setting.
shouldUseSupportedLocalesOnly()  : bool
Get the flag that limit or not the routes with {locale} placeholder to App::$supportedLocales
useSupportedLocalesOnly()  : self
Set The flag that limit or not the routes with {locale} placeholder to App::$supportedLocales
view()  : RouteCollectionInterface
Specifies a route that will only display a view.
buildReverseRoute()  : string
Builds reverse route
create()  : void
Does the heavy lifting of creating an actual route. You must specify the request method(s) that this route will work for. They can be separated by a pipe character "|" if there is more than one.
discoverRoutes()  : void
Will attempt to discover any additional routes, either through the local PSR4 namespaces, or through selected Composer packages.
fillRouteParams()  : string
Given a
loadRoutesOptions()  : array<string, array{filter?: string|list, namespace?: string, hostname?: string, subdomain?: string, offset?: int, priority?: int, as?: string, redirect?: int}>
Load routes options based on verb
localizeRoute()  : string
Replaces the {locale} tag with the current application locale
checkHostname()  : bool
Compares the hostname passed in against the current hostname on this page request.
checkSubdomains()  : bool
Compares the subdomain(s) passed in against the current subdomain on this page request.
determineCurrentSubdomain()  : false|string
Examines the HTTP_HOST to get the best match for the subdomain. It won't be perfect, but should work for our needs.
getControllerName()  : string|null
getMethodParams()  : string
Returns the method param string like `/$1/$2` for placeholders
processArrayCallableSyntax()  : string
replaceLocale()  : string
Replaces the {locale} tag with the locale



The default list of HTTP methods (and CLI for command line usage) that is allowed if no other method is provided.

public array<int, string> $defaultHTTPMethods = \CodeIgniter\Router\Router::HTTP_METHODS


Whether to match URI against Controllers when it doesn't match defined routes.

protected bool $autoRoute = false

Not used here. Pass-thru value for Router class.


Stores copy of current options being applied during creation.

protected array<string|int, mixed>|null $currentOptions


The current subdomain.

protected string|null $currentSubdomain


The name of the default controller to use when no other controller is specified.

protected string $defaultController = 'Home'

Not used here. Pass-thru value for Router class.


The name of the default method to use when no other method has been specified.

protected string $defaultMethod = 'index'

Not used here. Pass-thru value for Router class.


The namespace to be added to any Controllers.

protected string $defaultNamespace = '\\'

Defaults to the global namespaces ().

This must have a trailing backslash ().


The placeholder used when routing 'resources' when no other placeholder has been specified.

protected string $defaultPlaceholder = 'any'


A little performance booster.

protected bool $didDiscover = false


The name of the current group, if any.

protected string|null $group


The current method that the script is being called by.

protected string $HTTPVerb = '*'

HTTP verb like GET,POST or * or CLI


Handle to the modules config.

protected Modules $moduleConfig


A callable that will be shown when the route cannot be matched.

protected callable(string): Array|string $override404


Defined placeholders that can be used within the

protected array<string, string> $placeholders = ['any' => '.*', 'segment' => '[^/]+', 'alphanum' => '[a-zA-Z0-9]+', 'num' => '[0-9]+', 'alpha' => '[a-zA-Z]+', 'hash' => '[^/]+']


Flag for sorting routes by priority.

protected bool $prioritize = false


Route priority detection flag.

protected bool $prioritizeDetected = false


An array of files that would contain route definitions.

protected array<string|int, mixed> $routeFiles = []


An array of all routes and their mappings.

protected array<string|int, mixed> $routes = ['*' => [], \CodeIgniter\HTTP\Method::OPTIONS => [], \CodeIgniter\HTTP\Method::GET => [], \CodeIgniter\HTTP\Method::HEAD => [], \CodeIgniter\HTTP\Method::POST => [], \CodeIgniter\HTTP\Method::PATCH => [], \CodeIgniter\HTTP\Method::PUT => [], \CodeIgniter\HTTP\Method::DELETE => [], \CodeIgniter\HTTP\Method::TRACE => [], \CodeIgniter\HTTP\Method::CONNECT => [], 'CLI' => []]

[ verb => [ routeKey(regex) => [ 'name' => routeName 'handler' => handler, 'from' => from, ], ], // redirect route '*' => [ routeKey(regex)(from) => [ 'name' => routeName 'handler' => [routeKey(regex)(to) => handler], 'from' => from, 'redirect' => statusCode, ], ], ]


Array of routes names

protected array<string|int, mixed> $routesNames = ['*' => [], \CodeIgniter\HTTP\Method::OPTIONS => [], \CodeIgniter\HTTP\Method::GET => [], \CodeIgniter\HTTP\Method::HEAD => [], \CodeIgniter\HTTP\Method::POST => [], \CodeIgniter\HTTP\Method::PATCH => [], \CodeIgniter\HTTP\Method::PUT => [], \CodeIgniter\HTTP\Method::DELETE => [], \CodeIgniter\HTTP\Method::TRACE => [], \CodeIgniter\HTTP\Method::CONNECT => [], 'CLI' => []]

[ verb => [ routeName => routeKey(regex) ], ]


Array of routes options

protected array<string|int, mixed> $routesOptions = []

[ verb => [ routeKey(regex) => [ key => value, ] ], ]


Whether to convert dashes to underscores in URI.

protected bool $translateURIDashes = false

Not used here. Pass-thru value for Router class.


Flag to limit or not the routes with {locale} placeholder to App::$supportedLocales

protected bool $useSupportedLocalesOnly = false


The current hostname from $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']

private string|null $httpHost = null



Adds a single route to the collection.

public add(string $from, array<string|int, mixed>|callable(mixed...): Array|string $to[, array<string|int, mixed>|null $options = null ]) : RouteCollectionInterface

Example: $routes->add('news', 'Posts::index');

$from : string

The route path (with placeholders or regex)

$to : array<string|int, mixed>|callable(mixed...): Array|string
$options : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null

The route options

Return values


Registers a new constraint with the system. Constraints are used by the routes as placeholders for regular expressions to make defining the routes more human-friendly.

public addPlaceholder(array<string|int, mixed>|string $placeholder[, string|null $pattern = null ]) : RouteCollectionInterface

You can pass an associative array as $placeholder, and have multiple placeholders added at once.

$placeholder : array<string|int, mixed>|string
$pattern : string|null = null

The regex pattern

Return values


Adds a temporary redirect from one route to another. Used for redirecting traffic from old, non-existing routes to the new moved routes.

public addRedirect(string $from, string $to[, int $status = 302 ]) : RouteCollection
$from : string

The pattern to match against

$to : string

Either a route name or a URI to redirect to

$status : int = 302

The HTTP status code that should be returned with this redirect

Return values


Specifies a route that is only available to command-line requests.

public cli(string $from, array<string|int, mixed>|callable(mixed...): Array|string $to[, array<string|int, mixed>|null $options = null ]) : RouteCollectionInterface
$from : string
$to : array<string|int, mixed>|callable(mixed...): Array|string
$options : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null
Return values


Specifies a route that is only available to DELETE requests.

public delete(string $from, array<string|int, mixed>|callable(mixed...): Array|string $to[, array<string|int, mixed>|null $options = null ]) : RouteCollectionInterface
$from : string
$to : array<string|int, mixed>|callable(mixed...): Array|string
$options : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null
Return values


Specifies a route that is only available to GET requests.

public get(string $from, array<string|int, mixed>|callable(mixed...): Array|string $to[, array<string|int, mixed>|null $options = null ]) : RouteCollectionInterface
$from : string
$to : array<string|int, mixed>|callable(mixed...): Array|string
$options : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null
Return values


Returns the 404 Override setting, which can be null, a closure or the controller/string.

public get404Override() : callable(string): Array|string|null
Return values
callable(string): Array|string|null


Returns the name of the default controller. With Namespace.

public getDefaultController() : string
Return values


Returns the name of the default method to use within the controller.

public getDefaultMethod() : string
Return values


Returns the default namespace as set in the Routes config file.

public getDefaultNamespace() : string
Return values


Returns the filters that should be applied for a single route, along with any parameters it might have. Parameters are found by splitting the parameter name on a colon to separate the filter name from the parameter list, and the splitting the result on commas. So:

public getFiltersForRoute(string $search[, string|null $verb = null ]) : array<int, string>


has a filter of "role", with parameters of ['admin', 'manager'].

$search : string


$verb : string|null = null

HTTP verb like GET,POST or * or CLI.

Return values
array<int, string>

filter_name or filter_name:arguments like 'role:admin,manager'


Returns the current HTTP Verb being used.

public getHTTPVerb() : string
Return values


Grabs the HTTP status code from a redirecting Route.

public getRedirectCode(string $routeKey) : int
$routeKey : string

routeKey or route name

Return values


Get all controllers in Route Handlers

public getRegisteredControllers([string|null $verb = '*' ]) : array<int, string>
$verb : string|null = '*'

HTTP verb like GET,POST or * or CLI. '*' returns all controllers in any verb.

Return values
array<int, string>

controller name list


Returns the raw array of available routes.

public getRoutes([non-empty-string|null $verb = null ][, bool $includeWildcard = true ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$verb : non-empty-string|null = null

HTTP verb like GET,POST or * or CLI.

$includeWildcard : bool = true

Whether to include '*' routes.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Returns one or all routes options

public getRoutesOptions([string|null $from = null ][, string|null $verb = null ]) : array<string, int|string>
$from : string|null = null

The route path (with placeholders or regex)

$verb : string|null = null

HTTP verb like GET,POST or * or CLI.

Return values
array<string, int|string>

[key => value]


Group a series of routes under a single URL segment. This is handy for grouping items into an admin area, like:

public group(string $name, array<string|int, mixed>|callable ...$params) : void

Example: // Creates route: admin/users $route->group('admin', function() { $route->resource('users'); });

$name : string

The name to group/prefix the routes with.

$params : array<string|int, mixed>|callable


Specifies a route that is only available to HEAD requests.

public head(string $from, array<string|int, mixed>|callable(mixed...): Array|string $to[, array<string|int, mixed>|null $options = null ]) : RouteCollectionInterface
$from : string
$to : array<string|int, mixed>|callable(mixed...): Array|string
$options : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null
Return values


Checks a route (using the "from") to see if it's filtered or not.

public isFiltered(string $search[, string|null $verb = null ]) : bool
$search : string
$verb : string|null = null

HTTP verb like GET,POST or * or CLI.

Return values


Determines if the route is a redirecting route.

public isRedirect(string $routeKey) : bool
$routeKey : string

routeKey or route name

Return values


Loads main routes file and discover routes.

public loadRoutes([string $routesFile = APPPATH . 'Config/Routes.php' ]) : $this

Loads only once unless reset.

$routesFile : string = APPPATH . 'Config/Routes.php'
Return values


A shortcut method to add a number of routes at a single time.

public map([array<string|int, mixed> $routes = [] ][, array<string|int, mixed>|null $options = null ]) : RouteCollectionInterface

It does not allow any options to be set on the route, or to define the method used.

$routes : array<string|int, mixed> = []
$options : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null
Return values


Specifies a single route to match for multiple HTTP Verbs.

public match([array<string|int, mixed> $verbs = [] ][, string $from = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed>|callable(mixed...): Array|string $to = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed>|null $options = null ]) : RouteCollectionInterface

Example: $route->match( ['GET', 'POST'], 'users/(:num)', 'users/$1);

$verbs : array<string|int, mixed> = []
$from : string = ''
$to : array<string|int, mixed>|callable(mixed...): Array|string = ''
$options : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null
Return values


Specifies a route that is only available to OPTIONS requests.

public options(string $from, array<string|int, mixed>|callable(mixed...): Array|string $to[, array<string|int, mixed>|null $options = null ]) : RouteCollectionInterface
$from : string
$to : array<string|int, mixed>|callable(mixed...): Array|string
$options : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null
Return values


Specifies a route that is only available to PATCH requests.

public patch(string $from, array<string|int, mixed>|callable(mixed...): Array|string $to[, array<string|int, mixed>|null $options = null ]) : RouteCollectionInterface
$from : string
$to : array<string|int, mixed>|callable(mixed...): Array|string
$options : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null
Return values


Specifies a route that is only available to POST requests.

public post(string $from, array<string|int, mixed>|callable(mixed...): Array|string $to[, array<string|int, mixed>|null $options = null ]) : RouteCollectionInterface
$from : string
$to : array<string|int, mixed>|callable(mixed...): Array|string
$options : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null
Return values


Creates a collections of HTTP-verb based routes for a presenter controller.

public presenter(string $name[, array<string|int, mixed>|null $options = null ]) : RouteCollectionInterface

Possible Options: 'controller' - Customize the name of the controller used in the 'to' route 'placeholder' - The regex used by the Router. Defaults to '(:any)'



 // Generates the following routes:
 HTTP Verb | Path        | Action        | Used for...
 GET         /photos             index           showing all array of photo objects
 GET         /photos/show/{id}   show            showing a specific photo object, all properties
 GET         /photos/new         new             showing a form for an empty photo object, with default properties
 POST        /photos/create      create          processing the form for a new photo
 GET         /photos/edit/{id}   edit            show an editing form for a specific photo object, editable properties
 POST        /photos/update/{id} update          process the editing form data
 GET         /photos/remove/{id} remove          show a form to confirm deletion of a specific photo object
 POST        /photos/delete/{id} delete          deleting the specified photo object
$name : string

The name of the controller to route to.

$options : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null

A list of possible ways to customize the routing.

Return values


Specifies a route that is only available to PUT requests.

public put(string $from, array<string|int, mixed>|callable(mixed...): Array|string $to[, array<string|int, mixed>|null $options = null ]) : RouteCollectionInterface
$from : string
$to : array<string|int, mixed>|callable(mixed...): Array|string
$options : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null
Return values


Reset the routes, so that a test case can provide the explicit ones needed for it.

public resetRoutes() : void


Creates a collections of HTTP-verb based routes for a controller.

public resource(string $name[, array<string|int, mixed>|null $options = null ]) : RouteCollectionInterface

Possible Options: 'controller' - Customize the name of the controller used in the 'to' route 'placeholder' - The regex used by the Router. Defaults to '(:any)' 'websafe' - - '1' if only GET and POST HTTP verbs are supported



 // Generates the following routes:
 HTTP Verb | Path        | Action        | Used for...
 GET         /photos             index           an array of photo objects
 GET         /photos/new         new             an empty photo object, with default properties
 GET         /photos/{id}/edit   edit            a specific photo object, editable properties
 GET         /photos/{id}        show            a specific photo object, all properties
 POST        /photos             create          a new photo object, to add to the resource
 DELETE      /photos/{id}        delete          deletes the specified photo object
 PUT/PATCH   /photos/{id}        update          replacement properties for existing photo

If 'websafe' option is present, the following paths are also available:

 POST		/photos/{id}/delete delete
 POST        /photos/{id}        update
$name : string

The name of the resource/controller to route to.

$options : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null

A list of possible ways to customize the routing.

Return values


Attempts to look up a route based on its destination.

public reverseRoute(string $search, int|string ...$params) : false|string

If a route exists:

 'path/(:any)/(:any)' => 'Controller::method/$1/$2'

This method allows you to know the Controller and method and get the route that leads to it.

 // Equals 'path/$param1/$param2'
 reverseRoute('Controller::method', $param1, $param2);
$search : string

Route name or Controller::method

$params : int|string

One or more parameters to be passed to the route. The last parameter allows you to set the locale.

Return values

The route (URI path relative to baseURL) or false if not found.


Sets the class/method that should be called if routing doesn't find a match. It can be either a closure or the controller/method name exactly like a route is defined: Users::index

public set404Override([callable|string|null $callable = null ]) : RouteCollectionInterface

This setting is passed to the Router class and handled there.

$callable : callable|string|null = null
Return values


If TRUE, the system will attempt to match the URI against Controllers by matching each segment against folders/files in APPPATH/Controllers, when a match wasn't found against defined routes.

public setAutoRoute(bool $value) : RouteCollectionInterface

If FALSE, will stop searching and do NO automatic routing.

$value : bool
Return values


Sets the current HTTP verb.

public setHTTPVerb(string $verb) : $this

Used primarily for testing.

$verb : string

HTTP verb

Return values


Enable or Disable sorting routes by priority

public setPrioritize([bool $enabled = true ]) : $this
$enabled : bool = true

The value status

Return values


Tells the system whether to convert dashes in URI strings into underscores. In some search engines, including Google, dashes create more meaning and make it easier for the search engine to find words and meaning in the URI for better SEO. But it doesn't work well with PHP method names.

public setTranslateURIDashes(bool $value) : RouteCollectionInterface


$value : bool
Return values


Returns the flag that tells whether to autoRoute URI against Controllers.

public shouldAutoRoute() : bool
Return values


Returns the current value of the translateURIDashes setting.

public shouldTranslateURIDashes() : bool
Return values


Get the flag that limit or not the routes with {locale} placeholder to App::$supportedLocales

public shouldUseSupportedLocalesOnly() : bool
Return values


Set The flag that limit or not the routes with {locale} placeholder to App::$supportedLocales

public useSupportedLocalesOnly(bool $useOnly) : self
$useOnly : bool
Return values


Specifies a route that will only display a view.

public view(string $from, string $view[, array<string|int, mixed>|null $options = null ]) : RouteCollectionInterface

Only works for GET requests.

$from : string
$view : string
$options : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null
Return values


Builds reverse route

protected buildReverseRoute(string $from, array<string|int, mixed> $params) : string
$from : string
$params : array<string|int, mixed>

One or more parameters to be passed to the route. The last parameter allows you to set the locale.

Return values


Does the heavy lifting of creating an actual route. You must specify the request method(s) that this route will work for. They can be separated by a pipe character "|" if there is more than one.

protected create(string $verb, string $from, array<string|int, mixed>|callable(mixed...): Array|string $to[, array<string|int, mixed>|null $options = null ]) : void
$verb : string
$from : string
$to : array<string|int, mixed>|callable(mixed...): Array|string
$options : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null


Will attempt to discover any additional routes, either through the local PSR4 namespaces, or through selected Composer packages.

protected discoverRoutes() : void


Given a

protected fillRouteParams(string $from[, array<string|int, mixed>|null $params = null ]) : string

Unused. Now uses buildReverseRoute().

$from : string
$params : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null
Return values


Load routes options based on verb

protected loadRoutesOptions([string|null $verb = null ]) : array<string, array{filter?: string|list, namespace?: string, hostname?: string, subdomain?: string, offset?: int, priority?: int, as?: string, redirect?: int}>
$verb : string|null = null
Return values
array<string, array{filter?: string|list, namespace?: string, hostname?: string, subdomain?: string, offset?: int, priority?: int, as?: string, redirect?: int}>


Replaces the {locale} tag with the current application locale

protected localizeRoute(string $route) : string


$route : string
Return values


Compares the hostname passed in against the current hostname on this page request.

private checkHostname(array<int, string>|string $hostname) : bool
$hostname : array<int, string>|string

Hostname in route options

Return values


Compares the subdomain(s) passed in against the current subdomain on this page request.

private checkSubdomains(array<int, string>|string $subdomains) : bool
$subdomains : array<int, string>|string
Return values


Examines the HTTP_HOST to get the best match for the subdomain. It won't be perfect, but should work for our needs.

private determineCurrentSubdomain() : false|string

It's especially not perfect since it's possible to register a domain with a period (.) as part of the domain name.

Return values

the subdomain


private getControllerName(callable(mixed...): Array|string $handler) : string|null
$handler : callable(mixed...): Array|string


Return values

Controller classname


Returns the method param string like `/$1/$2` for placeholders

private getMethodParams(string $from) : string
$from : string
Return values


private processArrayCallableSyntax(string $from, array<string|int, mixed> $to) : string
$from : string
$to : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values


Replaces the {locale} tag with the locale

private replaceLocale(string $route[, string|null $locale = null ]) : string
$route : string
$locale : string|null = null
Return values

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