CodeIgniter v4.6 API


Expected behavior of an Image handler

Table of Contents


convert()  : $this
Changes the stored image type to indicate the new file format to use when saving.
crop()  : $this
Crops the image to the desired height and width. If one of the height/width values is not provided, that value will be set the appropriate value based on offsets and image dimensions.
fit()  : $this
Combine cropping and resizing into a single command.
flatten()  : $this
Flattens transparencies, default white background
flip()  : $this
Flip an image horizontally or vertically
getEXIF()  : mixed
Retrieve the EXIF information from the image, if possible. Returns an array of the information, or null if nothing can be found.
reorient()  : ImageHandlerInterface
Reads the EXIF information from the image and modifies the orientation so that displays correctly in the browser.
resize()  : $this
Resize the image
rotate()  : $this
Rotates the image on the current canvas.
save()  : bool
Saves any changes that have been made to file.
text()  : $this
Overlays a string of text over the image.



Changes the stored image type to indicate the new file format to use when saving.

public convert(int $imageType) : $this

Does not touch the actual resource.

$imageType : int

A PHP imagetype constant, e.g.

Return values


Crops the image to the desired height and width. If one of the height/width values is not provided, that value will be set the appropriate value based on offsets and image dimensions.

public crop([int|null $width = null ][, int|null $height = null ][, int|null $x = null ][, int|null $y = null ][, bool $maintainRatio = false ][, string $masterDim = 'auto' ]) : $this
$width : int|null = null
$height : int|null = null
$x : int|null = null

X-axis coord to start cropping from the left of image

$y : int|null = null

Y-axis coord to start cropping from the top of image

$maintainRatio : bool = false
$masterDim : string = 'auto'
Return values


Combine cropping and resizing into a single command.

public fit(int $width, int $height, string $position) : $this

Supported positions:

  • top-left
  • top
  • top-right
  • left
  • center
  • right
  • bottom-left
  • bottom
  • bottom-right
$width : int
$height : int
$position : string
Return values


Flattens transparencies, default white background

public flatten([int $red = 255 ][, int $green = 255 ][, int $blue = 255 ]) : $this
$red : int = 255
$green : int = 255
$blue : int = 255
Return values


Flip an image horizontally or vertically

public flip([string $dir = 'vertical' ]) : $this
$dir : string = 'vertical'

Direction to flip, either 'vertical' or 'horizontal'

Return values


Retrieve the EXIF information from the image, if possible. Returns an array of the information, or null if nothing can be found.

public getEXIF([string|null $key = null ]) : mixed
$key : string|null = null

If specified, will only return this piece of EXIF data.


Resize the image

public resize(int $width, int $height[, bool $maintainRatio = false ][, string $masterDim = 'auto' ]) : $this
$width : int
$height : int
$maintainRatio : bool = false

If true, will get the closest match possible while keeping aspect ratio true.

$masterDim : string = 'auto'
Return values


Rotates the image on the current canvas.

public rotate(float $angle) : $this
$angle : float
Return values


Saves any changes that have been made to file.

public save([non-empty-string|null $target = null ][, int $quality = 90 ]) : bool

Example: $image->resize(100, 200, true) ->save($target);

$target : non-empty-string|null = null

The path to save the file to.

$quality : int = 90
Return values


Overlays a string of text over the image.

public text(string $text[, array{color?: string, shadowColor?: string, hAlign?: string, vAlign?: string, hOffset?: int, vOffset?: int, fontPath?: string, fontSize?: int, shadowOffset?: int, opacity?: float, padding?: int, withShadow?: bool|string} $options = [] ]) : $this

Valid options:

  • color Text Color (hex number)
  • shadowColor Color of the shadow (hex number)
  • hAlign Horizontal alignment: left, center, right
  • vAlign Vertical alignment: top, middle, bottom
$text : string
$options : array{color?: string, shadowColor?: string, hAlign?: string, vAlign?: string, hOffset?: int, vOffset?: int, fontPath?: string, fontSize?: int, shadowOffset?: int, opacity?: float, padding?: int, withShadow?: bool|string} = []
Return values

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