CodeIgniter v4.6 API

in package
implements ImageHandlerInterface


Base image handling implementation

Table of Contents


Expected behavior of an Image handler


$config  : Images
Configuration settings.
$filePermissions  : int
File permission mask.
$height  : int
Image height.
$image  : Image
The image/file instance
$masterDim  : string
Master dimensioning.
$resource  : resource|null
Temporary image used by the different engines.
$supportTransparency  : array<string|int, mixed>
Image types with support for transparency.
$textDefaults  : array<string|int, mixed>
Default options for text watermarking.
$verified  : bool
Whether the image file has been confirmed.
$width  : int
Image width.
$xAxis  : int|null
$yAxis  : int|null


__call()  : mixed
Provide access to the Image class' methods if they don't exist on the handler itself.
__construct()  : mixed
_crop()  : $this
Crops the image.
_getHeight()  : int
Return the height of an image.
_getWidth()  : int
Return image width.
_resize()  : $this
Handles the actual resizing of the image.
convert()  : $this
Changes the stored image type to indicate the new file format to use when saving.
crop()  : $this
Crops the image to the desired height and width. If one of the height/width values is not provided, that value will be set the appropriate value based on offsets and image dimensions.
fit()  : BaseHandler
Combine cropping and resizing into a single command.
flatten()  : $this
Flattens transparencies, default white background
flip()  : $this
Flips an image either horizontally or vertically.
getEXIF()  : mixed
Retrieve the EXIF information from the image, if possible. Returns an array of the information, or null if nothing can be found.
getFile()  : Image
Returns the image instance.
getHeight()  : int
Return image height.
getResource()  : resource
Returns the temporary image used during the image processing.
getVersion()  : string
Get the version of the image library in use.
getWidth()  : int
Return image width.
reorient()  : $this
Reads the EXIF information from the image and modifies the orientation so that displays correctly in the browser. This is especially an issue with images taken by smartphones who always store the image up-right, but set the orientation flag to display it correctly.
resize()  : BaseHandler
Resize the image
rotate()  : $this
Rotates the image on the current canvas.
save()  : bool
Saves any changes that have been made to file.
text()  : $this
Overlays a string of text over the image.
withFile()  : $this
Sets another image for this handler to work on.
withResource()  : $this
Load the temporary image used during the image processing.
_flip()  : $this
Handler-specific method to handle flipping an image along its horizontal or vertical axis.
_rotate()  : mixed
Handler-specific method to handle rotating an image in 90 degree increments.
_text()  : void
Handler-specific method for overlaying text on an image.
calcAspectRatio()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Calculate image aspect ratio.
calcCropCoords()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Based on the position, will determine the correct x/y coords to crop the desired portion from the image.
ensureResource()  : void
Make the image resource object if needed
image()  : Image
Verifies that a file has been supplied and it is an image.
process()  : mixed
Does the driver-specific processing of the image.
reproportion()  : void
Re-proportion Image Width/Height



Configuration settings.

protected Images $config


File permission mask.

protected int $filePermissions = 0644


Master dimensioning.

protected string $masterDim = 'auto'


Temporary image used by the different engines.

protected resource|null $resource


Image types with support for transparency.

protected array<string|int, mixed> $supportTransparency = [IMAGETYPE_PNG, IMAGETYPE_WEBP]


Default options for text watermarking.

protected array<string|int, mixed> $textDefaults = ['fontPath' => null, 'fontSize' => 16, 'color' => 'ffffff', 'opacity' => 1.0, 'vAlign' => 'bottom', 'hAlign' => 'center', 'vOffset' => 0, 'hOffset' => 0, 'padding' => 0, 'withShadow' => false, 'shadowColor' => '000000', 'shadowOffset' => 3]


Whether the image file has been confirmed.

protected bool $verified = false



Provide access to the Image class' methods if they don't exist on the handler itself.

public __call(string $name[, array<string|int, mixed> $args = [] ]) : mixed
$name : string
$args : array<string|int, mixed> = []



public __construct([Images|null $config = null ]) : mixed
$config : Images|null = null


Crops the image.

public abstract _crop() : $this
Return values


Return the height of an image.

public abstract _getHeight() : int
Return values


Return image width.

public abstract _getWidth() : int
Return values


Handles the actual resizing of the image.

public abstract _resize([bool $maintainRatio = false ]) : $this
$maintainRatio : bool = false
Return values


Changes the stored image type to indicate the new file format to use when saving.

public convert(int $imageType) : $this

Does not touch the actual resource.

$imageType : int

A PHP imageType constant, e.g.

Return values


Crops the image to the desired height and width. If one of the height/width values is not provided, that value will be set the appropriate value based on offsets and image dimensions.

public crop([int|null $width = null ][, int|null $height = null ][, int|null $x = null ][, int|null $y = null ][, bool $maintainRatio = false ][, string $masterDim = 'auto' ]) : $this
$width : int|null = null
$height : int|null = null
$x : int|null = null

X-axis coord to start cropping from the left of image

$y : int|null = null

Y-axis coord to start cropping from the top of image

$maintainRatio : bool = false
$masterDim : string = 'auto'
Return values


Combine cropping and resizing into a single command.

public fit(int $width[, int|null $height = null ][, string $position = 'center' ]) : BaseHandler

Supported positions:

  • top-left
  • top
  • top-right
  • left
  • center
  • right
  • bottom-left
  • bottom
  • bottom-right
$width : int
$height : int|null = null
$position : string = 'center'
Return values


Flattens transparencies, default white background

public flatten([int $red = 255 ][, int $green = 255 ][, int $blue = 255 ]) : $this
$red : int = 255
$green : int = 255
$blue : int = 255
Return values


Flips an image either horizontally or vertically.

public flip([string $dir = 'vertical' ]) : $this
$dir : string = 'vertical'

Either 'vertical' or 'horizontal'

Return values


Retrieve the EXIF information from the image, if possible. Returns an array of the information, or null if nothing can be found.

public getEXIF([string|null $key = null ][, bool $silent = false ]) : mixed

EXIF data is only supported fr JPEG & TIFF formats.

$key : string|null = null

If specified, will only return this piece of EXIF data.

$silent : bool = false

If true, will not throw our own exceptions.



Return image height.

public getHeight() : int

accessor for testing; not part of interface

Return values


Returns the temporary image used during the image processing.

public getResource() : resource

Good for extending the system or doing things this library is not intended to do.

Return values


Get the version of the image library in use.

public abstract getVersion() : string
Return values


Return image width.

public getWidth() : int

accessor for testing; not part of interface

Return values


Reads the EXIF information from the image and modifies the orientation so that displays correctly in the browser. This is especially an issue with images taken by smartphones who always store the image up-right, but set the orientation flag to display it correctly.

public reorient([bool $silent = false ]) : $this
$silent : bool = false

If true, will ignore exceptions when PHP doesn't support EXIF.

Return values


Resize the image

public resize(int $width, int $height[, bool $maintainRatio = false ][, string $masterDim = 'auto' ]) : BaseHandler
$width : int
$height : int
$maintainRatio : bool = false

If true, will get the closest match possible while keeping aspect ratio true.

$masterDim : string = 'auto'
Return values


Rotates the image on the current canvas.

public rotate(float $angle) : $this
$angle : float
Return values


Saves any changes that have been made to file.

public abstract save([non-empty-string|null $target = null ][, int $quality = 90 ]) : bool

Example: $image->resize(100, 200, true) ->save($target);

$target : non-empty-string|null = null
$quality : int = 90
Return values


Overlays a string of text over the image.

public text(string $text[, array<string|int, mixed> $options = [] ]) : $this

Valid options:

  • color Text Color (hex number)
  • shadowColor Color of the shadow (hex number)
  • hAlign Horizontal alignment: left, center, right
  • vAlign Vertical alignment: top, middle, bottom
$text : string
$options : array<string|int, mixed> = []
Return values


Sets another image for this handler to work on.

public withFile(string $path) : $this

Keeps us from needing to continually instantiate the handler.

$path : string
Return values


Load the temporary image used during the image processing.

public withResource() : $this

Some functions e.g. save() will only copy and not compress your image otherwise.

Return values


Handler-specific method to handle flipping an image along its horizontal or vertical axis.

protected abstract _flip(string $direction) : $this
$direction : string
Return values


Handler-specific method to handle rotating an image in 90 degree increments.

protected abstract _rotate(int $angle) : mixed
$angle : int


Handler-specific method for overlaying text on an image.

protected abstract _text(string $text[, array{color?: string, shadowColor?: string, hAlign?: string, vAlign?: string, hOffset?: int, vOffset?: int, fontPath?: string, fontSize?: int, shadowOffset?: int, opacity?: float, padding?: int, withShadow?: bool|string} $options = [] ]) : void
$text : string
$options : array{color?: string, shadowColor?: string, hAlign?: string, vAlign?: string, hOffset?: int, vOffset?: int, fontPath?: string, fontSize?: int, shadowOffset?: int, opacity?: float, padding?: int, withShadow?: bool|string} = []


Calculate image aspect ratio.

protected calcAspectRatio(float|int $width[, float|int|null $height = null ][, float|int $origWidth = 0 ][, float|int $origHeight = 0 ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$width : float|int
$height : float|int|null = null
$origWidth : float|int = 0
$origHeight : float|int = 0
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Based on the position, will determine the correct x/y coords to crop the desired portion from the image.

protected calcCropCoords(float|int $width, float|int $height, float|int $origWidth, float|int $origHeight, string $position) : array<string|int, mixed>
$width : float|int
$height : float|int
$origWidth : float|int
$origHeight : float|int
$position : string
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Make the image resource object if needed

protected abstract ensureResource() : void


Does the driver-specific processing of the image.

protected abstract process(string $action) : mixed
$action : string


Re-proportion Image Width/Height

protected reproportion() : void

When creating thumbs, the desired width/height can end up warping the image due to an incorrect ratio between the full-sized image and the thumb.

This function lets us re-proportion the width/height if users choose to maintain the aspect ratio when resizing.

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