CodeIgniter v4.6 API


Value object representing a single file uploaded through an HTTP request. Used by the IncomingRequest class to provide files.

Typically, implementors will extend the SplFileInfo class.

Table of Contents


__construct()  : mixed
Accepts the file information as would be filled in from the $_FILES array.
getClientExtension()  : string
Returns the original file extension, based on the file name that was uploaded. This is NOT a trusted source.
getClientMimeType()  : string
Returns the mime type as provided by the client.
getClientPath()  : string|null
(PHP 8.1+) Returns the webkit relative path of the uploaded file on directory uploads.
getDestination()  : string
Returns the destination path for the move operation where overwriting is not expected.
getError()  : int
Retrieve the error associated with the uploaded file.
getName()  : string
Retrieve the filename sent by the client.
getTempName()  : string
Gets the temporary filename where the file was uploaded to.
hasMoved()  : bool
Returns whether the file has been moved or not. If it has, the move() method will not work and certain properties, like the tempName, will no longer be available.
isValid()  : bool
Returns whether the file was uploaded successfully, based on whether it was uploaded via HTTP and has no errors.
move()  : bool
Move the uploaded file to a new location.



Accepts the file information as would be filled in from the $_FILES array.

public __construct(string $path, string $originalName[, string|null $mimeType = null ][, int|null $size = null ][, int|null $error = null ][, string|null $clientPath = null ]) : mixed
$path : string

The temporary location of the uploaded file.

$originalName : string

The client-provided filename.

$mimeType : string|null = null

The type of file as provided by PHP

$size : int|null = null

The size of the file, in bytes

$error : int|null = null

The error constant of the upload (one of PHP's UPLOADERRXXX constants)

$clientPath : string|null = null

The webkit relative path of the uploaded file.


Returns the original file extension, based on the file name that was uploaded. This is NOT a trusted source.

public getClientExtension() : string

For a trusted version, use guessExtension() instead.

Return values


Returns the mime type as provided by the client.

public getClientMimeType() : string

This is NOT a trusted value. For a trusted version, use getMimeType() instead.

Return values


(PHP 8.1+) Returns the webkit relative path of the uploaded file on directory uploads.

public getClientPath() : string|null
Return values


Returns the destination path for the move operation where overwriting is not expected.

public getDestination(string $destination[, string $delimiter = '_' ][, int $i = 0 ]) : string

First, it checks whether the delimiter is present in the filename, if it is, then it checks whether the last element is an integer as there may be cases that the delimiter may be present in the filename. For the all other cases, it appends an integer starting from zero before the file's extension.

$destination : string
$delimiter : string = '_'
$i : int = 0
Return values


Retrieve the error associated with the uploaded file.

public getError() : int

The return value MUST be one of PHP's UPLOAD_ERR_XXX constants.

If the file was uploaded successfully, this method MUST return UPLOAD_ERR_OK.

Implementations SHOULD return the value stored in the "error" key of the file in the $_FILES array.

Return values

One of PHP's UPLOAD_ERR_XXX constants.


Retrieve the filename sent by the client.

public getName() : string

Do not trust the value returned by this method. A client could send a malicious filename with the intention to corrupt or hack your application.

Implementations SHOULD return the value stored in the "name" key of the file in the $_FILES array.

Return values

The filename sent by the client or null if none was provided.


Gets the temporary filename where the file was uploaded to.

public getTempName() : string
Return values


Returns whether the file has been moved or not. If it has, the move() method will not work and certain properties, like the tempName, will no longer be available.

public hasMoved() : bool
Return values


Returns whether the file was uploaded successfully, based on whether it was uploaded via HTTP and has no errors.

public isValid() : bool
Return values


Move the uploaded file to a new location.

public move(string $targetPath[, string|null $name = null ]) : bool

$targetPath may be an absolute path, or a relative path. If it is a relative path, resolution should be the same as used by PHP's rename() function.

The original file MUST be removed on completion.

If this method is called more than once, any subsequent calls MUST raise an exception.

When used in an SAPI environment where $_FILES is populated, when writing files via moveTo(), is_uploaded_file() and move_uploaded_file() SHOULD be used to ensure permissions and upload status are verified correctly.

If you wish to move to a stream, use getStream(), as SAPI operations cannot guarantee writing to stream destinations.

$targetPath : string

Path to which to move the uploaded file.

$name : string|null = null

the name to rename the file to.


if the $path specified is invalid.


on the second or subsequent call to the method.

Return values

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