CodeIgniter v4.6 API

Publisher extends BaseConfig
in package

Publisher Configuration

Defines basic security restrictions for the Publisher class to prevent abuse by injecting malicious files into a project.

Table of Contents


$override  : bool
Whether to override properties by Env vars and Registrars.
$registrars  : array<string|int, mixed>
An optional array of classes that will act as Registrars for rapidly setting config class properties.
$restrictions  : array<string, string>
A list of allowed destinations with a (pseudo-)regex of allowed files for each destination.
$didDiscovery  : bool
Has module discovery completed?
$discovering  : bool
Is module discovery running or not?
$moduleConfig  : Modules|null
The modules configuration.
$registrarFile  : string
The processing Registrar file for error message.


__construct()  : mixed
Will attempt to get environment variables with names that match the properties of the child class.
__set_state()  : mixed
getEnvValue()  : string|null
Retrieve an environment-specific configuration setting
initEnvValue()  : void
Initialization an environment-specific configuration setting
registerProperties()  : void
Disables Registrars to prevent modules from altering the restrictions.



Whether to override properties by Env vars and Registrars.

public static bool $override = true


An optional array of classes that will act as Registrars for rapidly setting config class properties.

public static array<string|int, mixed> $registrars = []


A list of allowed destinations with a (pseudo-)regex of allowed files for each destination.

public array<string, string> $restrictions = [ROOTPATH => '*', FCPATH => '#\.(?css|js|map|htm?|xml|json|webmanifest|tff|eot|woff?|gif|jpe?g|tiff?|png|webp|bmp|ico|svg)$#i']

Attempts to publish to directories not in this list will result in a PublisherException. Files that do no fit the pattern will cause copy/merge to fail.


Has module discovery completed?

protected static bool $didDiscovery = false


Is module discovery running or not?

protected static bool $discovering = false


The modules configuration.

protected static Modules|null $moduleConfig


The processing Registrar file for error message.

protected static string $registrarFile = ''



Will attempt to get environment variables with names that match the properties of the child class.

public __construct() : mixed

The "shortPrefix" is the lowercase-only config class name.


public static __set_state(array<string|int, mixed> $array) : mixed
$array : array<string|int, mixed>


Retrieve an environment-specific configuration setting

protected getEnvValue(string $property, string $prefix, string $shortPrefix) : string|null
$property : string
$prefix : string
$shortPrefix : string
Return values


Initialization an environment-specific configuration setting

protected initEnvValue(array<string|int, mixed>|bool|float|int|string|null &$property, string $name, string $prefix, string $shortPrefix) : void
$property : array<string|int, mixed>|bool|float|int|string|null
$name : string
$prefix : string
$shortPrefix : string


Disables Registrars to prevent modules from altering the restrictions.

protected final registerProperties() : void

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