CodeIgniter v4.6 API

Factory extends BaseConfig
in package

Factories Configuration file.

Provides overriding directives for how Factories should handle discovery and instantiation of specific components. Each property should correspond to the lowercase, plural component name.

Table of Contents


$default  : array<string|int, mixed>
Supplies a default set of options to merge for all unspecified factory components.
$models  : array<string|int, mixed>
Specifies that Models should always favor child classes to allow easy extension of module Models.
$override  : bool
Whether to override properties by Env vars and Registrars.
$registrars  : array<string|int, mixed>
An optional array of classes that will act as Registrars for rapidly setting config class properties.
$didDiscovery  : bool
Has module discovery completed?
$discovering  : bool
Is module discovery running or not?
$moduleConfig  : Modules|null
The modules configuration.
$registrarFile  : string
The processing Registrar file for error message.


__construct()  : mixed
Will attempt to get environment variables with names that match the properties of the child class.
__set_state()  : mixed
getEnvValue()  : string|null
Retrieve an environment-specific configuration setting
initEnvValue()  : void
Initialization an environment-specific configuration setting
registerProperties()  : void
Provides external libraries a simple way to register one or more options into a config file.



Supplies a default set of options to merge for all unspecified factory components.

public static array<string|int, mixed> $default = ['component' => null, 'path' => null, 'instanceOf' => null, 'getShared' => true, 'preferApp' => true]


Specifies that Models should always favor child classes to allow easy extension of module Models.

public array<string|int, mixed> $models = ['preferApp' => true]


Whether to override properties by Env vars and Registrars.

public static bool $override = true


An optional array of classes that will act as Registrars for rapidly setting config class properties.

public static array<string|int, mixed> $registrars = []


Has module discovery completed?

protected static bool $didDiscovery = false


Is module discovery running or not?

protected static bool $discovering = false


The modules configuration.

protected static Modules|null $moduleConfig


The processing Registrar file for error message.

protected static string $registrarFile = ''



Will attempt to get environment variables with names that match the properties of the child class.

public __construct() : mixed

The "shortPrefix" is the lowercase-only config class name.


public static __set_state(array<string|int, mixed> $array) : mixed
$array : array<string|int, mixed>


Retrieve an environment-specific configuration setting

protected getEnvValue(string $property, string $prefix, string $shortPrefix) : string|null
$property : string
$prefix : string
$shortPrefix : string
Return values


Initialization an environment-specific configuration setting

protected initEnvValue(array<string|int, mixed>|bool|float|int|string|null &$property, string $name, string $prefix, string $shortPrefix) : void
$property : array<string|int, mixed>|bool|float|int|string|null
$name : string
$prefix : string
$shortPrefix : string


Provides external libraries a simple way to register one or more options into a config file.

protected registerProperties() : void

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