CodeIgniter v4.6 API

CacheException extends RuntimeException
in package
uses DebugTraceableTrait


Table of Contents


__construct()  : mixed
Tweaks the exception's constructor to assign the file/line to where it is actually raised rather than were it is instantiated.
forHandlerNotFound()  : CacheException
Thrown when specified handler was not found.
forInvalidHandlers()  : CacheException
Thrown when an unrecognized handler is used.
forNoBackup()  : CacheException
Thrown when no backup handler is setup in config.
forUnableToWrite()  : CacheException
Thrown when handler has no permission to write cache.



Tweaks the exception's constructor to assign the file/line to where it is actually raised rather than were it is instantiated.

public final __construct([string $message = '' ][, int $code = 0 ][, Throwable|null $previous = null ]) : mixed
$message : string = ''
$code : int = 0
$previous : Throwable|null = null

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